2 weeks without weed -> insomnia. Help please...

Discussion in 'General' started by Kaimor, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Hi everybody,

    I smoked weed for 2-2,5 years about 0,5 grams over the course of the day and usually had my last joint right before bed. This was a big mistake as I have trouble falling asleep without it.

    It's day 16 without weed for me. I couldn't sleep at all the first couple of nights, but then I started to get more sleep. Now I'm sort of stuck, meaning that doesn't matter when I go to bed, I'll just lie there till 4 am, then I'll pass out and sleep till 8 am, like clockwork. I exercise, don't smoke cigarettes, don't drink coffee, take Valerian root and do all the things people usually recommend to treat insomnia (except for melatonin). I don't crave weed at all so it's no problem for me not to smoke.

    Will I start to get more sleep with time? Will insomnia go away on its own? How long will it take?

  2. #2 Ska, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2011
    My personal cocktail for sleep is 3mg melatonin (crucial, marijuana produces this when you smoke, it's part of what gives you that tired feeling), 3g Valerian root extract, and between 75-150mg of diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

    TBH you only need 500ug-1mg melatonin, but some of the extracts are weaker, so taking the 3mg is fine. Melatonin is sort of a sleep clock regulater / mild relaxation (slows your mind down, not your body so much), it's a hormone, so treat it as such- not like a drug.

    Now- I don't normally practice proper sleeping habits, but it does work if you follow it...
    No TV/computer an hour before bedtime, read a book instead. Only use your bed for sleeping (e.g. don't go on your laptop in your bed, the goal is to associate sleeping with your bed).

    Try to find something that works for you... such as if you need background noise to sleep, try listening to a radio talkshow, leave your fan running, some music, or my personal favorite that somebody introduced me to on here http://www.rainymood.com/

  3. WIN!

  4. Fapping doesn't really help insomnia guys... it's probably the first thing everybody tries. Lol.
  5. #6 Slurms McKenzie, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Then your not doing it right
    Better than anything doctors prescribe
  6. I've read about melatonin and how it's produced when you smoke weed. I also know it's available as over the counter medicine is the US, but I'm not sure about my country.

    Can I beat insomnia without using melatonin? If I get some melatonin and start taking it before bed, won't this interfere with my body producing this hormone naturally?

    I don't watch TV or use my laptop or anything like that before bed anymore, as I've read about it interfering with sleep.

    Thanks for the advice, but could you also answer my question about how long it will take for insomnia to go away.
  7. This is the first thing I've tried =). Couldn't tell though if it helped or not. It's been a while, so I'll try it again tonight.

    Any idea about how long it will take me to kick this insomnia? I've read that it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month, or even 3 months for some people.
  8. #9 Slurms McKenzie, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Hmmm put me to sleep even if it 4PM

    Ummm it can last that long, depends before smoking did you have insomnia or anything like that
  9. Actually it should help, because when guys have an orgasm, a lot of chemicals are released and one of them (Oxytocin was it?) makes us sleepy. That's why guys don't want to talk, but sleep after sex. For women it's the complete opposite. I've read about it on the internet and it was even in one of Tarantino's movies =).
  10. Well- I can't really answer that question, I've dealt with insomnia for years and it hasn't gone away...

    No, taking melatonin shouldn't interfere with your body producing the hormone naturally... I like to think of it as a regulator. If you take it at 8PM and go to sleep at 8:30-9PM for 2-4 nights in a row and stop taking it, your body will start produce melatonin around 8PM naturally, instead of whatever time it's at now (if you even have a steady bedtime). It's not necessary to help insomnia at all, but I found it did help quite a lot versus taking a shitload of benadryl to sleep (healthier, IMO, and you can stop taking it once your back on schedule).

    If you want to try a more natural route, a skullcap tincture somewhat worked for me, and I hear lavender can be slightly helpful (can't hurt, anyway), and kava kava I've heard works wonders (haven't tried it).

    Finally, breathing techniques actually help me out quite a bit (as cheesy as it sounds). Try breathing through your nose slowly to fill your lungs up to capacity, and let the air out through your mouth like a balloon (don't force it out, just sort of deflate your lungs slowly) until your lungs are completely emptied, and repeat.

    Well sorry I should have clarified, fapping won't really help chronic/serious insomnia for most people. For normal people who are just having a little trouble sleeping it can work wonders though, your right.
  11. I didn't have insomnia before, but it did take me a little longer than other people to fall asleep (up to 30 minutes). But that was because of racing thoughts and slept for as long as I needed once I fell asleep. I did enjoy falling asleep high, because it took like 1 minute to fall asleep.
  12. OK, I'll try to get my hands on some Melatonin. Did you have insomnia before you started smoking weed or after you've stopped smoking weed? Because I'm kind of worried I will have it forever now and at the same time I think that is not possible, since I've only smoked weed for 2,5 years and it's weed not heroin so it shouldn't have any long term physical effects. Plus, the body should be able to readjust to normal after some time no matter what, right?
  13. Only 2.5 years??? Were you a daily smoker? That's actually a long ass time and will cause sleeping problems for sure.

    I've had insomnia all of my life, even before I started smoking (self medicate(d) with it in a way for insomnia).

    Once your able to get yourself back on track it should go away, it for sure won't last forever if it was simply from ceasing smoking.
  14. giving my johnson the ole faperuski always makes me sleep like a baby,

    but i dont have insomnia, so i guess your right, i just stay up way too late
  15. #16 Kaimor, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2011
    I always thought that 2.5 years wasn't that long since most smokers have started smoking weed in their teen years. I started when I was in my 20's. I wasn't a daily smoker at first. But then I started to smoke larger amounts and more often. I was a daily smoker for about 1-1.5 years, consuming about 1/4-1/2 grams daily.
  16. Eh it's just my opinion, I've only been smoking for 2 years or so :smoke:
    Def long enough to cause some sleeping trouble, though.
  17. valerian root
  18. idk mang sleep aids are only masking the problem. You might as well just smoke weed.

    I think your mind is too active when your trying to sleep.

    -Do not watch TV in bed
    -DO NOT use your laptop in bed (definate insomia trigger)

    In fact in your case i'd avoid all electronics once it gets dark. Electronics especially computers emit blue light, the same blue light you expirience during the daytime that tells your body its daytime.

    On top of that theres so much information on the internet it leaves your mind buzzing.

    Mkae your room a cave where nothing but sleep and sex happens.

    When you do go to sleep try focusing on nothing but your breath. Don't control your breathing, just breath and focus on it. Observe it...

    This is sorta how you meditate, and I find that if you meditate while souching it puts you to sleep. I'd imagine you'd pass the fuck right out if you tried this laying down all comfy.

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