2 weeks, what are these?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Big_Jay, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. hey guys, this babys been in the ground for 14 days and is it showing signs of sex?

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  2. hey guys, this is my first plant so jus looking to see if im doing ok =P

    Im using 3 32 watt cfls and normal soil. This was just an experiment which is done proper stealthy due to a landload =D and im jus seeing if this set up is gonna work.

    Attached Files:

  3. Those are new branches coming in.
  4. Looks like a stipule to me. Its a smallish green leaf structure at the base of the leaf. As your plant gets older you'll see these things (paired) at the bottom of every leaf. Preflower will show up between these.

    submitted for your approval,
  5. is it looking ok for two weeks? And i thought i had a male =/
  6. no signs of sex until you flower
  7. i think is an autoflower. So im not to sure lol thanks tho guys =D

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