1) Learn to use [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Paradigm-Strategic-Leadership-Intelligence-ebook/dp/B005CXDU52/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1322522654&sr=1-3"]BITCOIN[/ame] the digital currency, it is untraceable and easy to convert to cash anonymously. 2) Get yourself a wiretap-proof secure cellphone with military strength encryption.
Good point... But actually they do have wires, they are just very small wires, and short enough to stay inside the circuits of the phone.
But the big question on everybody's mind is: 'is it possible to buy a shaven monkey of the internet?' To this day i am still baffled.
so in order to tap it, someone would have to physically get ahold of your phone and insert a bug james-bond style? seems like a lotta trouble to go through unless your an international spy or some shnitz
no all they have to do is say they suspect you of being a terrorist and they can look up all your phone records just like that. they don't have to tap our cell phones because they already are.
[quote name='"Tokalo"'] so in order to tap it, someone would have to physically get ahold of your phone and insert a bug james-bond style? seems like a lotta trouble to go through unless your an international spy or some shnitz[/quote] Or they could just intercept your calls...
[quote name='"catfish swiming"']But the big question on everybody's mind is: 'is it possible to buy a shaven monkey of the internet?' To this day i am still baffled.[/quote] This I want to know the answer to this? And how much a penguin costs
[quote name='"Broses"'] not sure about monkeys... but i know for a fact you can get a penguin for 2 herring.[/quote] 2 herring I'll take it where you want te payment?