2 seedlings together?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Bcflight, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. NEVER plant two seedlings together. You will find one will always need something the other doesn't. I have never seen a grow where 2 plants together ends well.
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  2. I guess this will be your first then....











  3. If in soil yes, but make sure the volume of soil is enough for the area and that the two plants are adequately spaced out. If in hydro it's fine as long as you definitely won't get a male.

    Multiple plants in the same body of soil means you're only watering one pot instead of multiples which will be ready for a watering on different days. If you had 20 plants this would be a big plus, but as it's just 2, it's not a huge advantage.

    Using one big pot means you can fit in a bigger volume of soil in the same space as there are no gaps between pots.

    Unfortunately once your plants are in, they can't be moved so planning is important. If one grows much taller than the other, you can't simply prop up a pot on a table or something to even them out.

    If one prefers a higher concentration of nutrients than the other, you have to go with the average and cannot tailor make the concentration for each one. However in my experience almost all plants prefer a very similar concentration
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  4. Yes sir....those really look very nice. Do I assume they are all the same clones?
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  5. Some were from the same plant, but there are several different strains in there. 24 plants altogether

    These are the strains..

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  6. If anyone's interested, here is is how I built the pot/bed...

    4x 6" boards screwed together

    A pond liner laid down in it

    A 2" layer of clay ball/pellets/stones is put down

    Another pond liner is put down, but this one has several holes cut in to it

    The rest is filled with compost and perlite 70/30

    Ive used this bed many times with different amounts of plants and it always does well. I currently have 4 plants under a ScrOG screen at the moment
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