2 questions

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mechanichore, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Hey ive got a couple more questions before starting my first grow. What size plant pots do you think the final plant should grow in?

    Second is i need a good way to elimate odor, if anyone knows of a good cheap carbon filter machine or something like that itde be awesome, i need something to controll odor for 4 plants. Thanks.
  2. As for pots, most individuals go by a 1 gallon to 1 foot ratio.. So for every foot your plant is you should need 1 gallon per foot (i.e. 5 foot plant needs a 5 gallon pot), make sure it is longer than it is wide-- primarily because roots grow down faster than they grow out.

    As for carbon scrubbers--- look around, theres many innovative diy carbon scrubbers, otherwise check the nationwide growshops and ebay.

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