2 plants 1 cup

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Michi, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. So I have a couple littlen's in a solo cup. They are probably about 2 inches now and 2 inches apart. I wasn't expecting both to germinate but they did. How/when should I go about separating them? They are about 5 days old.
  2. what light schedual are they on i would transplant u dont want the roots to choke each other out
  3. So... If they are feminized seeds then the title could be "two girls 1 cup"? :eek:

  4. For now I'm doing 16 on 8 off simply because it's my bedroom and I need darkness. In a week I'm going to find a better pattern and relocate. I think yeah, I'm going to transplant right now and just be as gentle as possible. I guess there isn't a process to this like I thought there was. Just dirt the roots and go.

    Yea, you caught my little joke. Unfortunately they are bag seeds. :p
  5. Holy deja vu batman. I swear this subject title was used not more than 2 weeks ago.
  6. I thought I saw it too.

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