Tonight was awe-inspiring. I was looking at my E supply and realized I have more pills than I thought left. I thought I was down to 3 but I actually have 6 left. Which is a fun amount to have lying around. Anyways, Highschool for me starts on Tuesday. So I decided to celebrate the last few days I have. I've been going to the same highschool since grade 8 and I'm now in Grade 13 so it's fucking awesome tits. This thread was going to include pictures but my phone won't connect to my laptop via USB. So fuck it. What's the point of this thread? It's going to be where I post when the hour duration is up and the pills (2) hit. There's also a kegger tonight. But I don't know if I want to go, the people there could be douches. Although on E I guess that doesn't matter..?
Okay my mind is completely made up. I'm going. Just because this one girl I know is going (no i dont want to tap it) Shes still barely into the drinking scene, me and my friend got her into drinking and smoked with her for her first time. now im going to piss myself, tonight is a mission to teach her about beer!
Uh no, not at all. I was fucked off my mind last night. The kegger was really fucking gay, as I expected douche central. So I just walked around talking to the girl and we bought a few beers for ourselves. It was good to actually have someone to talk to on e i guess, still I need to go to a party with people i actually know next time.