Well since I've been caught quite a few times (got bong confiscated, bubbler, etc..) I figured I might as well go with something more discreet in a piece. That is the reason I bought these 2 pieces. The Rasta Chillum For [$12.00] And The Mini 3 Inch Tall Color Changing Sherlock for [$20.00] Lemme know what you guys think?
Nice pieces brah! never seen a bub like that it's a pretty sick shape though. i like the chillum alot though. nice pickups.
Thanks guys, in fact, busting out the sherlock right now. :smoking Still have yet to name either of them. It takes me awhile to name new pieces for some reason...
Etsy rocks. I've been eyeing a sherlock like that on there, but it's more purple. Sherlocks are my favorite dry pieces. They're a lot of fun to smoke out of. Enjoy your new pieces.
ooh, I thought you found these local, but I just went on etsy and I'm getting three pipes, one of them looks just like your rasta. thanks for the tip!
I hear that, small sherlocks get me coughin for some reason. but those are some sick pieces, nice pickup with nice prices