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2 Months to flush my system?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bubba123, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I am a senior in high school and am planning to join the military after I graduate on May 16. I weigh 170 pounds and am about 5'10". I play Lacrosse three times a week and run about 4 miles a week. I smoke bud about three to four times a week and plan to smoke for the last time on my birthday (March 10). Does two months with regular exercise and healthy eating habits sound like a good enough time period to rid my system of THC? Thanks

  2. I can't believe you joined to ask this. Yes 2 months should be good.

  3. First off I would like to thank you for joining our nations troops and fighting for our freedoms. But yeah that is more than enough time to be clean..especially if you are active, and have a low body fat percentage. You'll be fine.
  4. Much thanks guys, sorry if it seems trivial, I don't want to take any chances is all... Time to enjoy the rest of my precious time with Mary Jane haha
  5. Sounds like a sturdy plan to me. ;)

    Enjoy your birthday and have a good one!
  6. 2 weeks is prolly enough to pass one with the details you listed. 2 months they would never know.

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