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2 kinds of dank-pipe or bong

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by reowin, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. i got 2 small peices of 2 diff kinds of dank

    should i smoke them both in pipe or bong
  2. Bong no contest.
  3. Bong for sure
  4. Everyone's disagreeing with me but I say bong
  5. If you only have a little bud, I'd say bowl.

    You won't hit it as hard and can take your time enjoying your sesh. :smoke:

    I really only go bong when I have a fair amount of bud, and I'm trying to get really baked, really quickly
  6. I believe mostly everyone is agreeing with you, :p
  7. pipe = for tasting (for me)

    bong = :yay:

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