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2 joints

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by lvi111, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. 2 joints worth 10 bucks? Joints are about finger length, pretty decent quality.
  2. Yeah, sounds about right. Should be .5 of weed in each joint. Enjoy.
  3. Cool man. Thanks for the reply.
  4. Why would you buy joints and not bud?

    You don't know what's goin in there. Could be leaves or shake.
  5. Yea, even if its crap bud, its a good deal
  6. Or oregano
  7. But he DID buy bud. It's just pre-rolled into joints. Lots of people do that around here. Just smell the joint, you'll know if it's weed or not. If it smells like shit weed, tobacco, spices, etc, then simply do not buy it.
  8. Not really.
    Do some conversions man.

    Dime of swag (crap bud) is $10.
    Thats 7 grams.

    So the joints would have to be 3.5g each to be a good deal.

    Not hating, just showing.
  9. Unfortunately, this relies heavily on where you're located and who you know, I know those prices are completely different here in Australia.
  10. Id never buy in joints. Buy in bud.

    Joints are sold as a way to ripp/scam/hussle/push and make money. $5 for .5g is a HORRIBLE DEAL NO matter.
  11. Once again.

    Dank medical club weed is around (correct me if im wrong) $20 a gram.
    .5g would be $10.

    How is that a horrible deal?
  12. Very true.
  13. lol no its not.

    those joints should be .5 of chronic like Grade A club shit.

    but thats just in my area since it goes dollar per point
  14. Without knowing exactly what's in them and how much, it's a bit of a gamble.
  15. Maybe where you're from. But not here. So "no matter what" does not apply.

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