[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve42DWluB8A]Children of War - Sierra Leone - YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo]The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary) - YouTube[/ame] I didn't even know this shit was happening until recently. American news NEVER covers this. Really puts your life in perspective, and fuck man.... If I ever get rich I'm helping those kids, It makes me sick to think while this is going on... people are fucking buying 10 cars..... Men in Black 2 costed like .....300 million dollars to produce? I just don't understand when you have this kind of money, it never goes through their mind.... hey maybe I shouldn't waste my money on this movie, and go fucking build schools, farms, send medicine, etc.... Or you can watch will smith kill aliens. What are your thoughts on this?
He said if he's rich he will, why does it have to be when he's rich? You can help them now whether you're rich or not.
Sorry...But if you really gave a shit you would find other ways to help. There is, literally, millions of ways to help those people.
[quote name='"OscarZetaAcosta"']Sorry...But if you really gave a shit you would find other ways to help. There is, literally, millions of ways to help those people.[/quote] Oscar speaks the truth.
Well for one if someone is struggling with there finances etc, Then its hard to put yourself into a position to help others when you may need the help yourself. Plus if your rich you would usually have more time on your hands to help out with situations. Can i have some examples of how people can help without using time & money? To be honest i couldn't care less about these people and i wouldn't waste money nor time on them, Because there's people in my own country who may need some help,but im just a cold hearted bastard like that.
[quote name='"zepourri"'] Oscar, you forgot your '' ''[/quote] Dude, he never even does that anymore. I dont know what's going on with you oscar