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2 Grams of No-Name Dank, H-TOWN

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Wired1011, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG]
    No Flash


    This is probably .8 off of the 2 gram nug I picked up last night from a new guy. I wish I had been able to macro the solid nug, but I was splitting it with a friend and we had to break it up. Also wished I had asked if it was named :(

    Anyways, this stuff is super dense, tasted amazing, and had me incapacitated with laughter for about 30 minutes. During that time, I was seriously considering asking whether this was laced because I've never had that reaction to weed before. My friends and I, after much discussion and another bowl decided it was because I had been driving around another friend who was on an LSD-like trip.

    Enough rambling, bout to enjoy another bowl of this stuff :smoke:

    P.S. I'm still a novice photographer, this is my first camera and I got it for Christmas so any advise would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Looks VERY chronic my friend, and the bud structure resembles afghani kush. I have a friend next to me who's been smoking chronic for 10+ years and he's 75% sure that what you have there is a cross between afghani and a purp strain -- obviously we can't get too specific w/o taste, high, and smell to ourselves.

    Enjoy that shit, and PS, GREAT shots.
  3. #3 Wired1011, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010
    Thanks man, here's a bonus picture that I had meant to include in my original post. When I looked at this picture, my first thought was the odd color of the hairs. The color just looks really weird to me, but I'm feeling a little blazy right now so who knows. Oh and one of my friends who picked up recently says it looks similar to what he got, and his guy said it was some SweetTooth.


  4. Where about in the city did you pick this up? LOOKS DANK!
  5. Looks yummy

    You're lucky :D
  6. Picked this up in Northwest Houston.
  7. I wish I was there. This bud looks fun.
  8. Definitely, I loaded a small personal snapper and then got a haircut. I noticed some crazy ass shit when I went in there. The most disheveled person there got the most complicated haircut. Literally took about two minutes for the hairdresser to understand what the guy wanted done. :smoking:

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