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2 grams of mids or .8 of good for $20

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Roflspammer, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Deal is in 20 min please answer fast
  2. 2 g cause fuck under a g for $20 hell fuck $20 a g
  3. id say .8 unless you dont have a problem with having mids
  4. quality or quantity its up to you...
  5. Mids, fuck anyone that doesn't sell you atleast a g for $20.
  6. .8 for $20?? tell that dealer to stfu and give you a gram, shit.
  7. Sour d and I'm gonna buy the goods. Last time I bought from her it was so sticky I couldn't grind it
  8. I'd tell him 20 bucks for 1 gram, or no deal.
  9. fuck payin more than 15/g

    get the 2g's mofo
  10. My new dealer gives me 1.5g of dank for £10 which is extremely cheap for UK prices considering its a class B here, standard size here is apparently 0.7g for £10
  11. That's $22.50 for a gram. Who the fuck charges such arbitrary prices such as these? My guess is that he spent $20 and is trying to squeeze a profit, which I can understand. But for me it's $20/g or no deal. I would take the mids, though.
  12. 20 for .8? fuckkkkkkkkkkk that. 20 for 1g is the lowest. but even then it's not really worth it. I'd just wait till I have 30 more and get 3.5

  13. That's called wet not sticky. You are a sucker and a dealers wet dream
  14. get the 2gs and tell the other dealer that u took ur business else where
  15. Well what do you smoke out of? If your rolling shit then get mids, but if you only smoke out of glass pieces get the goods man. I would never put mids in my bong but then again id never pay 22.50 to roll 2 j's and watch my money go up in smoke or on the ground as a roach.
  16. I doubt that weeds that dank
  17. Ask for the .8 n give him $15
  18. Id say ask for a gram of good bud for 20. If i were you though id save up my pennys and and buy an eighth or a quarter, get more for your money.
  19. [quote name='"CaliBudE"']Ask for the .8 n give him $15[/quote]

    Lol I did something like this to my old guy once. We noticed a pattern that when he would short us he would leave the weed on a chair outside and we just pulled up and put the money there (he always said he had a girl or family over and couldn't come out). So we look at the eighth one time, notice it is small and leave 40 instead of 60. Because we were done with this Guys shit. He calls us all pissed and we're like "oh man, the wind must have blown one away.." said he wouldn't hook us up again unless he got that 20. No skin off my back....

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