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2 firecrackers set over day and half

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by lizardking817, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. GoodMoring GC,
    Okay well i just ate 2 fire crackers. Since my mom got her hours cut i wasnt gonna be able to smoke in the morning this beutiful friday.

    So i had to make me some edibles lol!!!
    So hopefully they kick in time for my therapy :)

    Do you guys think they wiill kick in??
  2. i've heard you should leave em for atleast a week. but they couldn still work you'll find out in an hour or two haha.
  3. They should work. Not to sure how well, edibles never really work for me that well. But yeah wait 2 hours and you'll find out :cool:
  4. yeah i've read that around threads but doesnt the sticky say you can leave over night and it would still work??

    Oh well fuck it right lol ill be finding out either way and if they dont thank Goodness i still have vikes i can chew :D.

    Also do you know if they get your eyes red? i dont wanna be at the hospital lookin all blazede lol
  5. it takes a little bit for it to kick in when you are using edibles give it some time it should work
  6. yes your eyes WILL get red haha. you're eyes get red from the fact your high not because your smoking, so many of my friends think the same thing and when they see their eyes are red freak out "I DIDN'T EVEN SMOKE MAN!!!???" just parachute those fuckers though don't chew em.
  7. If you made them correctly they will put you on your ass.
  8. #8 lizardking817, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010

    lol alright thanks for fyi bro :) and parachute them?? i've never heard that before?

    hopefuluuly not i gotta lift weights lol
  9. idk man, 1.5 days probably aint enough. The min I been hearing is 5 days.
  10. def not enough

    Why not just cook them? It's easy to slip them in behind something else, or put them on the bottom rack with a tray covering them from the top. There is no smell, so unless your Mom opens the oven/toaster-oven and unwraps the tinfoil there is no way of telling.

    BTW- Your eyes get red due to the red blood cells being relaxed around your eyes, with edibles you're more likely gonna get higher than you do from smoking, therefor YES your eyes will be redd as fuck.

    I've been on omegle before during an edible high and I swear to fuck my eyes were glowing pink.
  11. Well the crackers just gave me a minor buzz and they got one of my eyes redd ass fuck well really both. but those vikes really helped alot :) and right now just blazed 3 bowls of some popcorn with lean on top and im blitzed.

  12. 2 firecrackers should have you baked out of your mind bud!
  13. Jesus Fuck! Pass that LEAN over here brother :cool: Pass me the vikes and the bud too :D

  14. No doubt they shoulda! I made a MJ grilled cheese last night and after about 45min, I was on the couch drooling incoherently! lol I don't do edibles all that much though. It's just so hard to know how hard they are gonna hit you. I have been using "Vaped" weed and it has lees of a kick. But ya still gotta be careful how much you use!

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