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2.5 Gram Green Game

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Headin2Mars, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Okay just rolled a blunt with my dude, put around 2 grams in it. I used a Green Game [Garcia Vega] and it burnt for about 30 minutes and we put it out early. 3rd time rolling a dutch and i thought i did pretty nice. what you guys think?
  2. good job for your third blunt i roll blunts all the time and i suck lol:smoking:
  3. Nice blunt mang I've rolled a few like such in my day
  4. Looks decent but cant tell how tight it is though. But for a 3rd blunt roll and its a dutch good job :hello:
  5. Yum, green games are my fuckin' favorite! Looks like a decent enough roll man, it should hit like a champ.
  6. I roll green games all the time and....

    looks nice dude, ESPECIALLY for only your 3rd one. Damn nice then.

    Try the White Grape Games, they're sick.

    PS People are gonna say it's loose when it might actually just be that fat. I usually do 1/2 person blunts with dank, so its been awhile since I rolled over 1.5 grams. 4/20 is around the corner tho...
  7. what happens with yours?

    Practice makes perfect. Buy a pack and go to town. I might upload a video later of me rolling a game or backwood or something, cuz I'll be bored.

    Games are (in my opinion) much easier to take apart than dutches, leaves comes off easier, etc.... use games and try and roll another one. Also, if you're not using a lot, just shorten the blunt.
  8. I learned how to roll a blunt much better i got some more pics:




    Nice nug & New bowl

  9. I knew I had seen the update pics somewhere else and then i checked the link in your sig. Kind of a late update but def an improvement. No offense, but the first one was pretty bad.
  10. nice blunt and dank nug in the pipe:)
  11. ya i looked at this and was like damn i used to suck ass at rolling blunts.
  12. Mmmm, Green games. :smoking:

    You roll a dope ass blunt now bro. I like your style, haha.
  13. games are the shit

    i bet that bitch lasted like 2hrs

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