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2.0 grams worth?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by vasa111, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. tonight i bought 40 dollers worth of kush the dealer gave me 2 grams is that a decent amout to pay money for?????:confused::confused::confused:
  2. depends where you are. im in nj and thats normal price for 2g
  3. yeah that sounds about right for my area (C.T) i mean it all depends on where you are i guess
  4. im in chicago???
  5. Here in Texas its about right if its decent weed. really good stuff goes for $25/g sometimes.
  6. i live in chicago... $40 for 2grams is the right price around here you got nothing to worry about
  7. thank you for your help
  8. if it's super dank, that's about right.
  9. If it's legit kush.
  10. me too that's about the same price i get.
  11. I got 3.5 grams of dank for 50$, so yeah sounds about right.
  12. Depends on where you're from, obviously. It's at most $10/.7gram here for the best of the best (rarely ever happens), most dank is still $10/gram.
  13. im also from the chi, thats not a bad price for some solid kushy :smoke:
  14. not too bad of a deal but for 10-15$ more you would of gotten another 1.5Gs

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