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1st time grower here

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Mcmillc1, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. hello. 1st time grower Auto in organic soil and perlite. Watering ph 6.0 12 days today. Appreciate any feedback. Does she look small?
  2. Pictures

    Attached Files:

  3. Well, as I'm not psychic and can't see your plant in my mind, could you throw up a pic? There it is. :)
  4. She's looking awesome. You're doing great so far!!
  5. Oh thank you so much
  6. She's lookin good so far!! Do you have a fan?
  7. She is outdoors
  8. Can you recommend a good nutrient grow. I have a black magic bloom but need to get one for veg
  9. I'm retarded....I see that

    Nutes are a personal thing....but since you are new you obviously don't have a "personal anything" when it comes to growing so you'll have to figure out what works for you through research and trial and error.

    I personally am using this -

    I'm almost out of it but have LOVED IT while it lasted. I don't know if I will use it again simply because my green thumb and knowledge has advanced and am eager to try something different.....maybe a little more natural
  10. Day 15 does she look like she needs nutes? Near 100 temperature lately
  11. I'm a new grower too. I used this all through 8 weeks of veg under crappy florescent lights and this is them now 3 days into flower.
    Seems to be working and is an easy all in 1...
    20190720_155415.jpg 20190724_170749.jpg 20190724_170757.jpg
  12. Looks great. Mine is an auto
  13. If it were MY be having some nutes in her next watering
  14. Thank you much!!!
  15. Got some dark green specks after giving nutrients. Thoughts?
  16. I was reading the thread thinking noooo don't do it lol .
    Giving it nutrients just totally defeated the purpose of planting your seed in organic soil.
    If you do not plan to stay organic why would you start a seed in a pile of woodchips? Low low availability of nutrients until microbes can establish a symbiotic relationship with your plant. That = a slow start to the first few weeks.
    Next time pick a side organic or non organic . Especially with an auto it doesn't have time to figure out what's going on. " The fuse has been lit"
    I know your brand new but there a lot of people that have come in this room who could ah mentioned that to you .
  17. Thank you for the info any suggestions from here out?

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