Sup people, this is my first grow and I been reading alot of the stickies just trying to get my head around everything. I started the grow on feb 1 with germination and this is where I am currently at today, these were random seed bags for experience for the future. I will be testing the PH level in a few minutes to tell where im at. Is there anything I can approve upon to help make this grow better? I'll prob pick up some nuts this weekend to help with the growth. Also I just added the lights a few minutes ago and is watering every 2-3 days as needed. Thats what I have for now..all comments welcome.. respect the feed back..
You'll need to watch out for most generally: Temperature Air Flow Humidity pH of soil and/or water Light cycle and cover the walls around with some sort of super-reflective material
Looking good so far. Couple things. Try not to water on a "2-3 day" basis. Water when the soil is dry. In your case it may take awhile. You can use the finger in the soil method to check. Overwatering is just as bad as under watering. Transplant one of those seedlings out of the pot you have two in, if you can. Roots will just get tangled up and it'll be a nightmare, if not impossible, to transplant later. You're not going to need nutes for some time. I get pretty antsy too, but nutes now will only slow the process down at this stage. Could also get a small fan in there, lightly blowing on the little ladies (fingers crossed), as well. Keep it up
Once they start getting bigger your going to need more lights. But they are looking good so far. Also like said above, I wouldnt put the nutrients in until there about 3 weeks old.
actually under watering is not as bad as overwatering, because under watering has a easy solution and the plant can be revived, on the other side overwatering is less likely to be revived as easily.
In my opinion also you should have a even amount of lighting all the way across, or give 1 light over each plant to distribute lighting evenly, so that way the seedlings don't lean towards the other seedlings lighting and fall over.
I would add them now. After a few weeks I would get a few more lights. You need about 50+ watts per plant. When there smaller, you dont need as much, but as they start getting to be like three weeks old, I would do about 50+ watts per plant. The more lights you add are just going to make it better.
True, however the underlying theme is watering when the plants need it, not based on the number of days passed since the last watering, regardless.
I have about a 100watts per too. I was just saying I wouldnt go lower than 50watts per. Also thats a great observation MicroGrower! with the evening out the lights. I think you should go to home depot or something and get a few T light extentions and have 2 bulbs right over each plant. You dont want your plants bending like that. Also clfs give off most of their lights from the sides of them, so by using the T the rays from the sides of the cfls will hit the plant better therefore giving it more light.