1st Grow Outside, and Ever

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by JOEMOE1682, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Back in May of this year on a walk near a school of all places, I stumbled across a few of these guys


    Concerned for the children I decided to remove one of them in the middle of the night. Hours after the transplant things were looking grim. I thought, big deal considering I found it. Regardless, I just left it in the pot outside and let nature take its course. The next day ground maintenance came by and weed whipped all the remaining ones. Guess i got it just in time. A few days later to my surprise it was looking a bit better, win. I let it sit outside for another month.

    As I am impatient I decided to force flower it to determine it's sex which would be the decision maker to keep pressing forward with it or to toss it away. I've been on 11/13 schedule. About a week of 11/13 to my surprise I discovered small white wisps at the nodes.


    Two weeks into flowering things are starting to take off! It grew 2 inches in one day today!

    This was earlier in the week..

    And now we're at this point!

    I'm excited to see what happens in the next 4 weeks or so! My wife, not so much. "I wish you would spend as much time on the dishes as you do that plant"
    I'll keep making updates to this post as time goes on. Subscribe if you're interested. Leave me some feedback. I'm completely winging it so any advice would be useful and helpful. Thanks.

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