1st Grow: LOS No-Till

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Cannassieur, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Wait, WHAT!?
  2. #43 MajorToker, Jul 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
    @wetdog Sorry i should have specified I wasn't referring to just recycling the soil. I was referencing the whole method. Running Coots mix and recooking each cycle, using 3g pots with water only and 1 SST and 1 AACT per cycle. Idk....
  3. It does get you a little bit when youve put in the hours and hours of researching dirt and you want to make that dirt so freaking awesome so you work it and groom it and it's still a challenge. Then some clown jumps on and says he runs Coots mix in 3g water only...my jaw dropped
  4. Hey yall been subbed for a few days now... Sorry ive turned into quite a lurker, but the conversation about NTG gave me passion to speak up. With my first grow i used that capitalist bullcrap they call bottled nuts, foxfarm ones to be exact, i said to hell with this and the man who just made away with my money. Plus not to mention the runoff risks with watering with that crap. It causes eutrophication in our watersheds and in my opnion is a terrible, unfortunate, and possibly irreparable sin commited by us cannabis growers. This is precisely when i stumbled upon NTG, quite ironically for my greens garden after becoming tired of pulling all the weeds. Ive fallen head over heels for NTG since.
    lol rambled quite a bit, some silly pills i whipped up have caught me off gaurd- happy toking OB
  5. Oh I see. I'm fully aware you can recycle Coots mix. I'm referring to the overall method. @wetdog I see you zero' d in on that as well. Of course you can do it in a 10g but a 3g?

    Why would you turn the soil though? It defeats the purpose of what we're trying to achieve...a multitude of home made humus thriving with a vast variety of fungal and bacterial colonies.

    I don't think worms would like being in a soil cooker....
  6. Depends what he cooks it with and how hot it gets, my worm pile is consistently warm, and the worms seem to be loving it. The temps around 75-85 F. They're just munching on some bananas, newspaper, some garden greens, eggshells, etc just small amounts though, its in a 10 gallon tote. If it got any hotter than that, some compost piles can reach 150+ right? The worms would certainly suffer, so would the soil. Just my .02
  7. #48 MajorToker, Jul 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
    All the nitrogen is pulled to the organic matter as it decays. Neem is pretty hot stuff. I'm trying.to figure out how to put this into words...lol

    It's decomposing at the surface so your soil isnt cooking. The microbes are actually consuming excess nitrates at the surface then slowly release it into a more available form. This is a major purpose of mulch. It's a nitrogen fixer.

    When you do a full cook this happens through out the soil so the nitrogen is all over in concentrated pockets.

    When you cook soil Its equivalent to a compost heap. I've felt it. She gets damn hot. I almost burned up my plants last cycle. It's why I stand by giving Coots mix a chance to cook for a few weeks especially if you opt for higher recommended ratios which I recommend personally.
  8. Yea I dont use Coots soil, I just use some local soil from where the groves are an mix in some coco, lavarock, composted horse manure, kelp meal, and some of my homemade vermicompost/worms. The plants seem to dig it, ill see how the trichome production is when fall rolls around. Ill keep yall updated!
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  9. Sorry I edited that last mofo like 10x. I'm too tired to put thoughts together. Never have been great at delivery.
  10. That's actually a damn well rounded feed. I like it. Using what's around. My compost pile needs a good 6 months before I'll feel good about it. It's been composting since early spring.
  11. I got the picture! You did a fine job my dood. I appreciate your input! Just dropped by your thread too, im logging off for the day - thanks again, peace out blades OB
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  12. Good night bro. I'm about to hit the bricks myself. This sour diesel is not good for thinking either lol. In your head you sound like a genius then you read it...lol
  13. In microgrows container and height size are limited. Typically you have 2 batches of soil at least that you cycle. One is freshly made. Another is old soil that has sat for at least 60 days. Depending on the grower they will take a handful of amendments before putting it in a bucket or tub and let it rest just like every grower here does in no till.

    recycle/notill its the same end result: good quality weed. I dont get people worshiping soil in a weed forum

    check out blynx who is doing amazing things with home depot LED's in a 1 square foot cab recycling his soil organically.
  14. #55 MajorToker, Jul 7, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
    It's not like that man. It's just a different method. I didn't down super soil. I am about to run some. Shit I know that everything has the same goal. Get uptakable nutrients in the plant in salt form. I respect all grow methods. We don't worship the soil. It's the fact that you have created a fully sustainable nutrient loop system. I saw blinx grow. He is doing awesome.

    Check this guy out. I dream of this.
  15. damn this guy has some serious bud coming his way!
  16. Apologies for the delays in updating, things have been quite hectic with work lately so I haven't been able to be as active.

    So far so good. The girls are happy and healthy and have recently been transplanted into 1g root pots. Plants were all topped around 2-3 days ago and just received a fresh watering with Aloe and ful-power this evening.

    Also including some pics of my attempt at running autos. These ladies have around 2-3 weeks left so I'm excited to see how they turn out!!

    Attached Files:

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  17. IMG_1535.JPG IMG_1536.JPG IMG_1537.JPG IMG_1538.JPG IMG_1539.JPG IMG_1540.JPG IMG_1535.JPG IMG_1535.JPG IMG_1536.JPG What's up GC. Once again apologies for the delay on the updates. Between spending some QT with my baby niece, work's still crazy, had a delay on my new 3x3 bed arriving from the manufacturer and dealt with our AC blowing out. Needless to say between the AC going out and me keeping the ladies in a 1g for a little longer than I would've liked due to the delay of the bed arriving they dealt with some stress.

    AC was fixed last Saturday, Ladies were transplanted late Wednesday night after the bed arrived and treated with a Mykos/Azos dusting of the rootball. They were watered with an agsil and Aloe mix @ 2g for the 3x3 and have since responded quite well.

    I've been keeping my environmental conditions in line with VPD guidelines (off in the pictures because the tent door had been open for a bit while I was watering) after being inspired by @MajorToker 's recommendation to check out Joshua Steensland and conducting my own research. Many thanks Major!!

    Updates should start coming more regularly due to them being flipped in the upcoming week to flower.

    Until then I'm going to sample some of this auto blackberry kush that's been curing for about 2 weeks!
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  18. I'm liking that container. That's one clean set up.
  19. @MajorToker thanks! I wrestled with the idea of doing individual smarties but between my laziness in not wanting to water multiple pots and some further reading into plant exudates and how they communicate with other plants in the same container to help ensure the health of the group the bed system seemed like the perfect set up.

    Of course at first glance there seems to be more up front cost with the bed due to the increased volume of soil but I bet if you break down the cost of individual 4 15-20g smarties vs 1 bed and the components to build a soil mix your cost should be close to the same.

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