1st grow, Jock Horror under CFL

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by heavyengineerng, May 16, 2010.

  1. Bah whats happened over here!!:(
  2. #82 vodkanerd, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2010
    Hehe, is it me or does that one hitter look like a crack pipe xD

    On topic: Guy was serious when he said you have a nute burn. Chillllax dude! Theyre still growing, babies dont need vitaminds every day, they survive on just milk. MJ babies do just fine on nothing but pure H2O for their first month :).

    Nute later not now, its easier for the plant to deal with and its more forgiving on you. Cause you cant bring a baby back from the dead :D

    Edit: TRIM THAT BABY! Its ugly seeing those half dead leaves. Rule of thumb, once a week, trim off any leaves that are 40% or more dead/dying. Its a bigger burden on the baby to try to keep the dying leaf alive then to just grow a brand spanking new set ;D

    Edit of edit: Talk to your babies while trimming them. Kinda like little kids and shots at the doctors, I dunno, I find they recover faster if I give them a heads up

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