1st Grow Diary: Super Lemon Haze 400W SCROG

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by lemmiwinks, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hello all, following the trend of posting a grow diary, I thought I'd do the same since it's my first grow and I can surely learn a lot from all the helpful people around here :)

    For my first grow I was given some feminized seeds of Super Lemon Haze and have decided to go for a SCROG.


    • 400 Watt HPS (Philips Son-T-Agro) with Cooltube
    • Extractor Fan + Carbon Filter
    • "Secret Jardin" Darkroom 1x1x2 (meters, so 1 square meter of surface)
    • 125 Watt CFL (4000K) for seedlings

    I have attached the first two pictures of the diary, one of the growroom and the other of the seedlings.

    I realize the seedlings have had too much vertical growth already, unfortunately I was out of town for the few crucial days and asked a friend to take care of them, which he did but they did stretch too much. The CF is now much lower and stretching has stopped, hopefully they'll be fine and topping will solve any problems for the future.
    As I say, I'm planning on doing SCROG so any suggestions are very welcome, if you can point out any early mistakes,etc...

    Thanks for taking time to read :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Looking very nice man, i like the set up.

    did you do a DIY extend a closet or something??
  3. do you lights move up or down?
  4. Thanks, the grow space is actually a pre-made Secret Jardin growtent.
    I had a plan originally, but then comparing expenses it would have worked out similar and I like the idea of a transportable growtent for the future so went with that.

    The lights can go up and down a certain amount yes if that's what you meant, at the moment I'm using a very close CF for the first 10 days or so of the seedlings to try and keep them short.

    Thanks! :)
  5. They're stretching A LOT! If you're using CFLs they need to be inches away from your plants. If you're using a HID (HPS or MH) they should be no more than a foot away. Get that light closer or you'll have a 5 foot tall plant with only 5 or 6 nodes.
  6. They don't look short to me. They look stretched. I have 3 week old plants that are the same height as your large sprout.
  7. Yes I realize they did stretch an awful lot.
    As I mentioned in the first post I was away for a couple of days and a friend took care of them.

    Since I got back I moved the CF literally 1-2 inches away and they have stopped stretching.

    Hopefully I'll be able to keep them from stretching any further and fix the problems with topping when the time comes.
  8. get a small fan thats blowing directly to the stem..set it at the lowest setting so you have SOME movement.

    It'll strenghten that stretched stem over time....and give nice root stimulation.

    Or do some LST'ing
  9. when you transplant be sure to bury the plants up to the first set of leaves, or about 1/2" below them. This will take care of the stretching you've already done, but will do nothing for future stretch.
  10. There is a forum for grow diaries, not here...
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll be sure to do all those things to fix the stretching.

    And forgive me for posting in the wrong section, is there any way I can move the thread or can only admins do that?
  12. A mod can do it...
  13. Hello there,
    I was hoping someone could take a look at the pictures of my seedlings and tell me if they're wilting or if they're ok.

    They look slightly sad to me...

    Perhaps humidity is too low, an average of 35% up to 40%, too low?
    125W CF is quite close (1-2 inches) but isn't too hot I think,

    Guidance and suggestions very welcome, thanks :)

    Attached Files:

  14. Good suggestions
  15. Should I increase humidity?
    Are they wilting?
    Anything else I should do?
  16. Your humidity is good...no need to change that. How often are you watering? Plants often look wilted when you over-water. Don't water them until the first inch or so of soil is bone dry.

    Looking good to me.
  17. you can put there a bucket of water + a fan in your income air to the bucket you will have a little bit of humidity more!i have that problem with humidity too bat when you transplant in bigger pots you will have better humidity fore sure!
  18. Help please!

    Hello everyone, the babies are now two weeks old and seem to be doing well enough.
    I recently switched on the HPS which I will use for both vegetative and flowering phase as I can't afford a MH and the CFL I was using was too small.

    Can someone please take a look at the close up pictures and tell me what they think?

    I'm not sure if they're over/under watered, or if it's time to give them some nutrients as I have so far relied on the soil's nutrients (started in plagron light mix and then moved to canna professional)

    I'm using a 400W HPS with cooltube, currently at a distance of 20 inches or so (it's not hot at all at canopy height, and they've been showing these signs even before the switch to the HPS)

    Some of the leaves are showing some yellowing and are curling to the side and warping a bit.
    Some guidance would be highly appreciated :)

    Thanks a bunch!

    Attached Files:

  19. Hey man looks good, you might want to check the PH of your runoff next time you water, I hear high ph twists leafs but I could very well be wrong, but yea they look good.

    Hey man is that a DR100? I just got a DR80 off stealthhydro and I think it might be to small, but you know what they say about it not being the size that counts:rolleyes: Yea man everything looks great and good luck!!

    (ps) I got some SLH seeds from att so im going to watch your thread close.

  20. Yep that's a DR100 from Secret Jardin.
    Seems to be doing it's job well so far, as everything in life it could be bigger but you have to make do ;)

    Here's an update of the plants, starting to tangle nicely in the net, I'll give them a few more days/week in veg and then switch to 12/12




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