1st ever cfl GRow newbie

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by blowin, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. help me out any tips im going to transplant this weekend .
    what ferts to use?
    on 20/4 hour scheduele...water about every 2 or 3 days...
    i want an economic soil, i was going to get foxfarm oceanfforest. but at 14 for a medium bag it seems i want to get the mg moisture control...
    help me out with tips?

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  2. Looking good, just curious what's that foil ball on there for?
  3. on youtube this lady abuelitamarihuana showed that technique to cloning
  4. Dont get the MG. Trust me.
  5. Plants look good, but lose the foil and tidy up that fire hazard you got going on.
  6. plants look good. I would just get the FFOF soil at $14 a bag. Its user friendly and if $14 is a lot of money to you then your in the wrong hobby.
  7. I was using FFOF & Happy Frog, switched to this Kellogg's soil @ approx. $5.00 a bag at most OSH, Lowes or H.D., I didn't see any at OSH this week for the 1st time.
    Check this link or this one, I'm on my 1st grow with it now, 4.4 weeks into flowering,
    no problems yet, no noticeable difference from F.F.O.F at this time.
    I also want to start re-using my soil, Ed.R. advises if it was a healthy grow theres no reason not to re-use it, I want to learn if there are any re-fortifying techniques to use.
  8. thanks guys very helpful...
    what hazards the wires??? ok
    yes that kellogs i am using on three pots
    and the other three is master nursery pt soil
    will post new pics
  9. i'm going to hazzard a guess that the foil has some sort of growing medium in it to stimulate root growth like wet papertowel or some soil?

    i use this method to make sure my spiderplants' babies grow nice roots before i cut em off :D

    any luck with our good ol girl Mary Jane?
  10. 2- 2ft. tall clones supersilverhazexsourdiesel
    6- 1ft. tall clones purpxsourdiesel

    transplanted to 3 gal pots yesterday.
    did three plants control kellog potting soil
    other three master nursery potting soil.
    and in all six mixed some firmulch soil conditioner. watered them today with bioorganic root enhance and fish emulsion with some superthrive.
    light is 20/4
    water every less than 5 days....
    help me with tips
    i have yet to check out more hydro stores for ferts and nutes...
    home depot will have them?[​IMG]

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  11. yes to make clones that way...well i tried it.. and i would check the rckwoll and nothing was happening///
    so just said duck it... and took that off
  12. 10 ladies
    kellog soil and master nursery soil
    general organics nutes
    water every 3 days

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