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19th Century Stoners??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Train Wreck, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. #1 Train Wreck, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    I just got back from seeing the new Sherlock Holmes movie, stoned of course. During the entire movie he was smoking out of his pipe, probably smoking weed. This explains why he was so intelligent and could think so creatively, it was because he was blazzed. This got me thinking where there habitual smokers back in the 19th century when weed was legal, or what about before that like in Medieval Times or what about even earlier?? :confused:
  2. When i think about the history of weed I always think of people in India making hash hundreds of years ago.
  3. I think of asians playing dodgeball with human heads and smoking out of a pipe.
    But the chinese first used it as medicine around 2500 bc or something like that so 19th century is somewhat of an understatement. lol
  4. my great grandma was a stoner.

  5. Lol. just imagining an old lady sitting there blazin the shit out of her mind..
    damn im high.
  6. Mate I'm pretty sure Thomas Jefferson was a stoner and he was what, 18th C?
  7. They had no technology but they could damn well get HIGH.
    Shiiit. That's what I'd be doin all day.
  8. Fun Fact: In the original Sherlock Holmes novels, Holmes used to inject a 70% water/cocaine solution into his wrist when he became bored.
  9. I saw on the history channel, that back in the late 1800's/ early 1900's famous people would attend 'pot parties' and get blazed out of their skulls. :hello:
  10. I'm pretty sure sherlock was just smoking tobacco... he did do cocaine though.
  11. well hundreds of years ago native americans would hot box tents.
  12. back then marijuana was very popular. people weren't considered stoners though. it was a normal thing to do. the were smoke shop all around the country. its just most people dont know this because the government keeps anything good regarding marijuana a secret.
  13. Don't forget the Peyotl

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