fuck it...... today, i will better myself as a person... all the things i want to do, that im scared to do, all the things i want to say, that im afraid to say, i will do and say... its better than not knowing.... i recently came across some chocolate shroom candies... 2.75g in each one..... i ate one, 1 hour and 10 minutes after, i ate a 2nd one... and the third is shecduled for probaly around 4 pm.... depending.... im fairly high right now to be honest.... im gunna go pour out all my kief that ive been saving for about 2 months now, smoke a fatass bowl in my RooR filled with keif... trip on some mushrooms, and today im going to confront the girl i love and let her know whats up.... even if it kills me.... CUZ IM FUCKING 18 AND INVINCEEEABLLLLLLLLEEEEE!!!!!!!! now don't all you old blades wish u could feel that way again?.... farewell for now!
fuck yeah man. fuck insecurities, if you want something it's yours man. glad you have such a good attitude. god i love shrooms.
hahaha, damn fool good luck to you! what do you think she is gonna say when you come up to her with your pupils huger than bitch look all crazy and shit and telling here you love her. i could see the conversation sounding like its coming from towelie "WOAH...CHECK IT...IT'S LIKE...YOU KNOW...AND LIKE...YEAH!!!" hahah but seriously best of luck to that!
+rep for that man, it's a good thing to speak your mind and do what you want to do, thats what I like to see in a person
Haha yeah good luck dude! optimism is the key to happiness. Just hope that girl doesn't turn into a banana or something.
You got the right mindset going man. Dont let shit stop you. Jus keep moving forward. Do what you want and say what you think. Dont let anything stop you, Jus keep moving on forward.
im truly free now.... i now know what i truly care about in life... and thats all that matters.... nothing else....money, fame..... it can all be made and lost in an eyeblink.... im not afraid.... and im not alone.... to anybody out there who's listening... thank you
ive never met anyone who gained confidence from tripping. and expressing love to someone the first time would have best results when sober. but i like your thinking. the world is your oyster, suck that bitch down.
thank you scooby.... the world has gone too wrong.... family bonds, friendship, everything.... im mentally prepared to lose it all... and live with the consequences of failure..... my body..... its nothing but a vessel..... i don't know what inside me causes me to be concious....ive suffered too long.... and ive finally come to see..... to truly see what it means to be alive...
what happened was i guess i ate too many mushrooms... and uhh.... yah, the girl thing got sidetracked, as i wound up in another state, with some newly purchased camping gear and food...... and i guess i was gunna go camping? but yah... i came to, said fuck that, drove home and its 12:22 am.... so! TOMORROW ill get right on that girl thing tho.... the important this is, ive retained my mindset, the confidence and optamism.....!!
an invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men