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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by OoEmmureoO, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Hey is $175 for a half ounce of dank a decent price?
  2. If it's legit thats average for NE
  3. It better be good dank lol. Its not decent...on the high end but if its dank id pay it :smoke:
  4. where you at in the world?
    where i'm at, FUCK YES IT IS
    dank here is $200 an o.
    and I live in an MMJ state.
  5. IF it's legit. If it isn't dank then no. Make sure to check out the bud before you buy it.

  6. Wait what?
  7. lol i get ounces for less than that. god bless canada
  8. sounds a lil expensive in my opinion and place of residence they overpricing you by $25
  9. Depends on were you live. I live in New England ...
    190-250 a halfy of dank up here.
  10. now that i think about it $50 i get zone by the 250
  11. for florida its average as long as its good dank
  12. Yeah thats not bad
  13. That's still less than $90 per 1/4. Thats at least decent
  14. im from florida thats like paying 350 for 1 zone, hell nah! dats $50 too much
  15. Good deal.
  16. Damn, dude. I'm in Boston, and I would NEVER pay $250 a half! :eek:

  17. Just because you might pay 300 for an OZ doesnt mean the dealer is neccessarily going to charge you exactly 150 for a 1/2. Its called price breaks. Thats why you should buy in bulk
  18. shit where im from however much a oz is is how much 14g is gonna be youll get shot for that price break shit, only way itll cost more is if its higher quality

  19. Wait.. What?

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