150 watt

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by landscaper420, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. r 150=42 watts cfl's good for flowering i have two of them
  2. Fine if they are around 2700K
  3. Where did you find 150 Watt CFL bulbs? I saw some that were around 45 Watts after buying my 27 W bulbs, but never saw anything close to even 100 W before.

    Are these specialty bulbs that need additional ballasts and special lamp holders?
  4. Is it 150w or is that the equivalent rating?
  5. yeah hes deffenitly looking at the equivalent because i see many 150 watt equivelent. the packaging always says 150watts in huge font then in microscopic font it will say indascent equivalent mad small lol
  6. they sell 125, 150 and 200 watt cfl's.

    If you have ones of those nifty 150 watt cfl's then you should be able to flower just fine.

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