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150 for an O

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RastaJah, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Hey fellow Blades,a quick question, is 150 a zip a fair deal for some really fire middies? I know there middies and should be like 100 at the most but these are pretty dank for middies. Is this a fair deal??:smoke::smoke::):)
  2. Thats a pretty good deal where I come from. I would take it.
  3. Definitely. Although, I pay 150 an O for meds, but that's just a perk of being a patient. 150 is pretty good for mids by me, but they better be dank, because here in michigan you can get them for like 125.
  4. i used to pay that for o's all the time back when i smoked a ton. that's the lowest price i've ever personally encountered.
  5. Just inspect it, first. I know guys that sell ounces or grams (REGARDLESS of potency) for 20 / 350 each.
  6. shit i remember when i was like 15 or 16 quads we paid 80 for a quad once adn i dont consider that experience a rip, that was like 5 years ago
  7. Thanks so much guys, Ive already seen the ounce and he weighed it out and it was pretty nice, how much would you guys pay for an O of regular middies that arent so dank?:smoke::smoke:

  8. 125, maybe less.
  9. I haven't bought from "this" guy yet, but he offered 125 for an Ounce of mids. Never saw it, never bought it, mainly because he's my friends dealer but he moved. :(

    Im just going to save up 350 to buy an ounce of dank
  10. that's a pretty good deal for the states, enjoy :D

    i personally wouldn't pay more than 90 bucks for an o of mids. then again, i'm in Canada and so I get dank O's at $120-130 :smoke:
  11. as long as there's no seeds
  12. It depends, is it worth it to you? if so, then grab it. Personally i dont smoke any mids, but if it was pretty dank id still grab some and flip it, because good ass middies dont come around my area too often. People would pay 15 a gram for some bangin regs.
  13. Damn I'm happy I live near mexico, get mids super cheap and i get alot of arizona bud. I can get an ounce of arizona for 55$

  14. Jesus.. an ounce of zona for $55? and i thought one of my dealers selling me $5 a gram of zona couldnt get any more reasonable.
  15. Pretty much anybody in arizona could get an ounce of zona for 80 but im just gettin a great deal
  16. I get danklymids at 100 an O, and sometimes 90 an O if whomever I am getting off of is a friend. I'd say if it's borderline chronic, then shoot for it, but if they are still closer to mids, i'd shoot closer for the 100 range homeslice.
  17. Thanks Everyone, there were no seeds and minimal stems so Im very pleased, I plan on picking it up soon and when I do Ill try to get some pictures!:smoke::smoke:
  18. Great deal is all relative, I wouldn't pay 80 for some shit mids, and LOL at arizona having cheap decent weed..
  19. here buds a little more for chronic but prices are usually the same no matter what from low mids - mids - high mids - borderline chronic and sometimes chronic

    10/g 15/g for the super dank
    200/oz give or take for the mids
    250/oz for the chronic

    thats usually bout what it is here
  20. WTF I have never seen such low prices. Where I live it's a hookup for $240 an O. You guys are lucky.

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