I bought an ounce of mids for 135. Half the nugs in the bag are like half purple.... Purple is just a light deficiency right? There can be purple mids riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
Lol purple is a deficiency, temperature change in certain growth stage, or natural, usually the first 2. and yes, mids can be purple... lol
lets see it. thats pretty cheap. good find ! edit: actually i thought it was kush, shoulda spent the extra $$$ on kush. mids is wack yo
Huge pet peeve of mine, using kush to describe quality. You can get mids kush, schwag kush, dank kush, and a variety of kush breeds, but you do NOT describe quality with kush lol....
Name's kevin. not will. shut up bitchezs. Lol I got a crappy picture comin for you guys.... VERY hard to see the purple with my slide camera phone
i used to put purple food coloring on mids, spray it with this body spray that smelled like weed, and sell it to freshmen for 25 a g when i was in highschool lol. id get a qp of reggie for like 250 and make like 2000 off it in a month.
Yeah dude I totally get that, just like when people are like "bro I just picked up some totally dro shit" and I'm like
Buck 35 is pretty nice. Although if you are buying a qp at once and thats what you got.... Eh.... I buy premium shit for 230 an O for just an o. I have found qp's at 500-600 of dank.