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130 14 gram pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by PumPum420, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Good for the price?

    Sent from my LT30at using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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  2. looks decent, how does it smoke/taste?
  3. Good price, good nuggs guy.  Win win :smoke:
  4. Nice and frosty ;)
  5. Dusty and purplish...Looks good, smoke them shits and let us know.
  6. #6 MooseyPoo, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    I wanna shoot that first nug out of a cannon.
    Looks good, enjoy :smoking:
  7. I just smoked that nug you see in the first pic. I should of took a picture of the joint. But I couldn't help myself but spark it immediately

    Sent from my LT30at using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Taste and smells fruity. With a strong thc taste, like the aftertaste you get from wax

    Sent from my LT30at using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. Good deal depending on where you live. That's less than 10$/gram which is generally what people pay around my area.
    My dealer offered me a half O for 75$ last week, the quality wasn't quite what this is but pretty close. I probably should have bought it.
  10. looks like some real g0od GDP
  11. Filled one of these full

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  12. Yeah it looks like GDP looks good either way!
  13. It looks like some good dank, pretty good price too lol I am about to get an ounce of some fire soon lmao need that re up asap
  14. Bud looks good. $130 is a fair price, depending where you live. I usually get a half of Dank for $100.

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