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$125 a quarter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MrFourTwenty, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. What do you guys think? This guy is the only guy I can actually buy REAL dank stuff from, I have others but they dont have anything as good as this guy. Should I go for it? $125 a quarter of bubble kush? Idk you guys tell meeee if you would
  2. yeah i would. I'm in Jersey too and for really good stuff from a guy i don't have a hookup with I pay $120 so its not a big difference
  3. wtf $125 for a quarter? I would never pay that much for a quarter no matter how good it was
  4. damn dude I pay 150 for half
  5. No one should be paying 125 a quarter.

    No one should be paying 120 a quarter.

    Dank or not, it's all a ripoff. I used to think that was normal until I started getting quarters for 90. Then 85. Then 80.

    Just because something is "Bubble Kush" or whatever doesn't mean that its going to be killer. Street dealers can just slap any old name on a strain to justify high prices. It also depends on how its grown. A plant can have great genetic potential but if its not grown or harvested right, it doesn't mean shit.

    This is one reason why prohibition needs to end. No one should be paying 120 dollars for 7 grams of a plant that costs virtually nothing to grow.
  6. $125 for 1/4 seems steep to me-I usually pay ~$80.
  7. You're being ripped the fuck off. $80 or nothing.
  8. [quote name='"MrFourTwenty"']What do you guys think? This guy is the only guy I can actually buy REAL dank stuff from, I have others but they dont have anything as good as this guy. Should I go for it? $125 a quarter of bubble kush? Idk you guys tell meeee if you would[/quote]

    Do you pay 20 a gram normally? If so, then it's not so bad.
  9. I think I can get a half Oz for that much. Not bragging, but just a comparison, showing how much of a rip off that is.
  10. i jst paid $110 for a quarter. i suggest that you buy a scale or ask the dealer to scale it in front of you just to be sure its 7 g.

  11. he told me he would so no probss.
  12. 100$'s the norm. Usually I can get em down to 90 though.
  13. thats soooooooo expensive, that will get you a half o here , why not spend that 125 on the less better stuff so you have more at least i would never pay 125$ for somthine that should be around 70$
  14. I pay about $160 a ounce for this shit. usually $500 a QP





    I guess it just matters on where you live. I have no idea that the prices are where you are at so i cant comment. I wouldn't pay it though.
  15. #15 CaliOGKush, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2012
    I used to also pay 120 for a quarter, do what you have to do but I can also now get a half for 160, most of the time out here it's 70-100 for a quarter

    I would rather grow than pay more than 100 for a quarter again, I could probably get a quarter of mids for 50. I also think I can legally grow 6 plants

    You should move out to cali
  16. if you REALLY want to, but it better be some bomb ass dank ass, purp skurp :)

    [ame=]smoking - YouTube[/ame]
  17. It really all depends where you live, but I still think $125 is too steep for a quad ($60-$80 where I live). At those prices you should probably just grow your own
  18. it all depends on location some of us rnt fortunate to live in a medical state
  19. Canada for me :)
  20. $80. Maybe $100. No higher than that man. I'd rather find another guy than pay those prices. Sorry man.

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