Alright well, I have never grown under a screen before and I am pretty new to growing to begin with, right now I have a NGB style cabinet, pretty much built to his specs, I have a 150 watt HPS in there with two plants under a screen. I think I let them fill the screen too much, Im only at day 13 of 12/12 and they are within 4 inches of my light and I have been training them best I can. The stems are getting pretty stiff so I can't bend them too much more, and Im not even 2 weeks into flowering. My light is as high as it can go, any suggestions? I don't want my first screen grow to be a failure. Here is a pic, what you guys think?
What are your temp differentials? I have heard that maintaining a 5 degree day/night difference will slow stretch during early 12/12.
The temps don't change too much, like 79-84ish with the light on and usually around 77 with the light off, the same temp I keep the house. My electric bill is outrageous as it is, not because of the lights but because its august in florida so I donno, Im hoping they wont' stretch too much more, I think I can train them a bit more, pull them back down and use some floral tie down wire, I'll drill holes in the top lip of the pots if I have to, Im determined for this to be successful. Maybe if I train them a bit today then a it more tomorrow, I can bend them more without the stems breaking? Like gradually or whatever... I donno... Im new to training. Thanks anyway guys, guess I need to learn to train better, or make a new screen with like 1" holes instead of 2".
The trick to training is to start as soon as you get them in you flower chamb/ or until they can reach the screen. Dont matter because in 2 week baby!! Them beauties are going to be budding and Id love to see pics!! Cant w8!