Seems like I see 11:11 fairly often. I don't seem to notice other sequences - like 12:31, 12:34, etc. But 11:11 comes up often. Anyone else noticing 11:11 frequently?
It's probably because of your mindset. I remember a time when 117 kept popping up multiple times everyday
I don't really pay much attention to time so no. But I've heard you see it more often because you're thinking about it. As in your brain alerts you when 11:11 is coming up without you knowing it.
I get this every single day at 11:11 pm. It means to pay attention and focus on your intuition. Some may call BS but it works for me...its all about your intentions and feelings. - peace, joy, love, and light
I thought that at I "tried" looking for 12:34 - but never saw it. 11:11, however, continues to appear frequently.
Every time we look at a clock we see a combination of numbers. For some reason, people seem to think this combination is special or something...
^^ Yeah what if people were like yeah omg i see it too! i seriously dont even know what to say anymore...
12:34 I see most days and nights. It's just become a subconscious thing where my mind will alert me at that particular time. Same thing with stoners and 4:20.