Well weeds not bad for you anyway, but the stuff that's on the medical field could be stuff the government says so she prolly believes in all the propaganda bull shit. Try going over to her house and having a nice civil face to face conversation with her about it. Edit. Seems like she won't listen to a thing you have to say at all. Well the you tell her if you wanna be ignorant and won't listen to anything I say then tell her you won't listen to a thing she says. I did that with my parents and they shut up about it / don't seem to care anymore.
find one of Granny crows posts with all the links, print some out and show her. if she is a truly caring person if she sees how much it can help people she will be cool with it...
She just walked into your house lol? Should have exercised your second amendment rights. Advocating violence is not tolerated here - WW
Yeah, that's pretty lame OP. You just gotta keep on keeping on. You sound like you get your business done and it isn't her concern what you do with your free time. Do what others have said and print out some facts. She's in the medical field and any concerns regarding the plant is law enforcement not health problems.
Give her some granny knowledge and make her watch The Union. Then you don't have to speak about the subject ever again.
This should be your next statement to her. I understand how she feels, she has you on a pedestal like most parents do of their "good ones". Send her some info from Granny to read and time to digest it. She will have a choice, change her way of thinking, accept that you are an adult, or, dis-own you. I'm sure the last one will not happen. Play it slow and easy, she was surprised to find you with a bong and is hurt at the moment. Handle it calmly and she will learn to deal with it. PS, tell her you still love her in whatever way you normally do.
1) Tell her that she's regurgitating Nixon era foolishness. 2) Marijuana is only un-healthy when used while the brain is still developing. Any other effects it has have been proven to vanish after a month of no usage. Those effects - Minor short term memory loss - Minor effects on lung capacity Only two reasons Marijuana can be considered 'unhealthy'.
How long have you been smoking OP? If you have been doing it for a long time and she hasn't known maybe tell her you have been smoking since you were 18 or something so your obviously the same person she always thought you were. Sorry to hear how stubborn your mom is. You are off and paying for everything your self so she dosn't really have much say but I known its a bad feeling knowing your mom is disappointing in you. Whatever you do, try to stay on somewhat good terms w/ them. You only got one family. So try not ruining your relationship w/ them over something as trivial as this.
OK, OK, I'm here (Sheesh, I DO have a life off of GC- I got dishes and housework to do and such!) Hon, you need to sit Mom down in front of a computer, click that first link in my sig and ask her to just read the titles. Since she is in the medical field, she can even skip the news articles if she wants. Or even better, send me an email (bottom of my sig) and I will send you a free PDF of my 2012 List which is twice as big as what I have here on GC. The new List has 840 pages of links with all the latest studies for her to peruse. As a PDF attachment in an email, it is easy to forward to everyone, even your mother. Granny
I don't see why you care so much about what your mom thinks bro. Sure you love her and all of course, but you're a grown independent person living on your own. If your mom is really *****rdly and thinks weed is the worst thing ever, whatever. It's not stopping your life.
I have a hard time believing you did all of this on your own...I really do. paying your way through school, for five years (22-5=17), while buying a car and a house...ya..something just doesn't smell right... no need to BS mom, show her facts, truths, not YOUR opinions. not your dad...you don't live with them, so who gives a shit really...lock your doors if they can't show you enough respect to not enter your home without your knowledge.
Nothing will make her change her opinion. My mom is like this and even after I proved to her that marijuana was actually helpful and healthy for me, she just harped on about it being illegal. She didn't care that I used to be an alcoholic and marijuana was a much healthier and safer alternative. She didn't care that I had a history of being hooked on the anxiety meds I got from the "real" doctor, the shrink who wrote me scripts for whatever I wanted. He even went so far as to write scripts in my mom's name so I could afford them under her insurance and he could get money from using me as a guinea pig for these new drugs. She didn't care, they're DOCTORS and they have DEGREES and they know best. It's illegal and that is the point she will always return to. If you had a license she'd be upset that you didn't have a "real" problem and nothing would be any different. I just gave up with my mom and told her if she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to come to my house, and I'll put it away if she gives me fair warning that she's coming over. Hope it works out for you.