Boone, NC product right there...pretty heady town. SSFG is putting out some pretty nice looking pieces, at a reasonable price. enjoy it man
nice lil ripper. i think the simple straights are completely underestimated. nothing to stress over if it breaks and you can bring it around, cleans up easily and looks classy. stows easily and rips like a champ i'm sure. plus they handle A/Cs very well. i gotta say, i like what i'm seeing dude. very nice pick up! also what up, local! i was down in LJ today
Wow things purrty. The only thing I've noticed from the three I've seen on here are A) vary in size ( though site does make note of this) 2) different style beaker/ straight tube. 3) great overall price I suppose
actually when you purchase it you are suppose to expect that. The site tells you that beakers will be 8-11 inches and straights will be 8-12 inches. You get to pick the style but the size is completely random
[quote name='"twister1616"']Wow things purrty. The only thing I've noticed from the three I've seen on here are A) vary in size ( though site does make note of this) 2) different style beaker/ straight tube. 3) great overall price I suppose[/quote] Yeah, the beaker I ordered is just at 8 inches
Nice pickup man! I have a travel beaker and I love it! They can really hit hard for being such a small piece and I love the shower head downstem. Just waiting now for my mini inline AC to arrive in the mail to add to it. How do you like the disc diffused bowl? I am looking at getting one as my next upgrade. Enjoy your new piece dude!!
I wish more people would just go your way instead of buying china trash and than posting them on the forum. I'd much rather hear a member getting a SSFG travel tube even tho its 10 inches and plain as hell compared to hearing someone get a triple perc chinese tube with tons of color..