My outdoor purple urkle plant looked beautiful a month ago, big green leaves, looked healthy, was getting nice n bushy n tall, now it looks bare, all the water leaves have been burnt and fallen off, all the leaves that were big n green are now either yellow and burnt, and I have NO CLUE what to do or how to bring this thing back to normalcy,,,its def not dead yet, but I'm afraid if I dont do something soon, it will be. I wish I could post pics but i cant
I'm a bit north from you and it is 105 here as well been real hot but my plants have been OK just been watering a lot twice a day sometimes.
[quote name='"RichardDean"']I'm a bit north from you and it is 105 here as well been real hot but my plants have been OK just been watering a lot twice a day sometimes.[/quote] Yep I am a little further north and it 113 today. Water 2 a day and the ladies love it.
Just had to rewater one of my twenty gallons ha ha damn its hot that's the third watering today on that one the rest were fine with two. I just keep a constant eye on em I see any drooping I water immediately
Another Sac area grower here. Your plant may be rootbound, underwatered, or overfeed to cause the burning. Has it been outdoors all season? What size container is it in? And what are you feeding?
Dam thats hot. The hottest day I remember in Sac was back in high school it got to 115. We were river rats back then and we didnt even want to go outside.
[quote name='"tplat"'] Dam thats hot. The hottest day I remember in Sac was back in high school it got to 115. We were river rats back then and we didnt even want to go outside.[/quote] I remember that. It was bad and I spent that day running errands in a black car. Talk about hell! CA has hotter weather than most people realize. The hottest place in the entire country is in CA. Death Valley...
The hottest place I've ever been was the area surrounding joshua tree park, in mid summer in 1995. It was unbelievable. I'm not from there and I felt like I was going to die. I was like 100 miles or something out of palm springs into the desert the sun was blasting full force. My body stopped sweating entirely and when I drank water, it never made it to my stomach, I just absorbed that shit through my cotton mouth. Didn't like it one bit.
[quote name='"mjmama25"'] I remember that. It was bad and I spent that day running errands in a black car. Talk about hell! CA has hotter weather than most people realize. The hottest place in the entire country is in CA. Death Valley...[/quote] Yea all the east cost people bitching that its 90 there. I know it's humid but that really doesnt have shit on a week at 110
Oh its not that bad I am used to this heat I just love the fact there is no humidity cause I hate that shit I can do dry heat all day.
[quote name='"sgtstadanko"'] Yea all the east cost people bitching that its 90 there. I know it's humid but that really doesnt have shit on a week at 110[/quote] I had someone from the east cost argue with me that the east coast is hotter and ca has perfect weather (which they only know from rumors, lol). Even after I proved to them with facts from weather records that our state is hotter than anywhere on the east coast....That my city has higher averages than even the hottest parts of florida. She still claimed that our hot weather isn't really hotter because the west coast isn't as populated??? WTF?! Lol. Some people just can't admit they're wrong. I live near the fucking capital of the west coast. We are plenty populated and that really has no effect of the temp anyway, lmao.
[quote name='"RichardDean"']Oh its not that bad I am used to this heat I just love the fact there is no humidity cause I hate that shit I can do dry heat all day.[/quote] Ditto.
Lots of stupidity afoot these days ha ha gotta be careful. But yeah Sac area is very hot mainly cause its in the valley but still hot up here in the mountains too this year.
It's hot as fuck here. I'm just west of you and know your pain. The forecast calls for over 100 until Weds the 99 and 97. I hope it cools of soon. I think the heat damaged my OG poison. What do you think? I just feed it some nutes to help it recover.
Yeah looks like some heat stress it seems like the bigger the plant and constant watering allow for getting away with surviving the heat I have been quite successfully so far.
Hey I'm next to sac and my 2 month old plants haven't started flowering yet, anybody know when they will?