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$100 you laugh

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iHotbox, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. [ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
  2. You owe me $100.
  3. pay me in 1's

  4. rats...

  5. He can pay me in cheetos. I really want some cheetos right now :/
  6. ive got an entire box of fruity pebbles..i havent even opened it, but i catch myself staring at it every few minutes

  7. eat that shit before i come take it
  8. when im 6 feet under you can have my pebbles. dont step between a man and his sugar.
  9. awww scoreeeee. just found some rieces puffs and a bag of xxl pretzel eminems.
  10. :smoke:
  11. I didn't even smile or grin. :(
  12. i laughed at that when it first came out, now i get disctracted half way through tryin to brush the dirt of my shoulder yadiiggg. lol
  13. I didn't laugh coz it wasn't very funny.

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