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100% Coco Coir

Discussion in 'Coco Coir' started by Grizzant420, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. So I have already done one successful 100% CocoCoir grow with Canna line.

    I did a Original Amnesia Auto in a self watering pot.

    My Current grow-
    AK-48 Auto n NLX Diamond

    100% Coco Coir- Canna
    Nutes~Botanicare ProGrow/ProBloom
    Lights- CFLs till today 400w HPS

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413327656.280512.jpg

    There is 3 habanero plant and a DinaChem baby
  2. Ever tried cutting the coco with 50% perlite? Works great for me. :)
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  3. Nice plants I also use coco only in my grows
  4. Yeah I have thought about it but I like to keep it a 100% coco. I think adding perlite would hurt my grow. I want to continue hand watering, adding the perlite would make me want to add drip emitters
  5. Good choice I use same method it never fails me each crop as I no how much weed a gef each time
  6. I run 20 gallon pots with a 50/50 mix of coco and perlite and I still handwater. I almost doubled my yields by just adding perlite.. its for sure worth it to add it. I'm not sure how adding aeration to the rootzone would be a bad thing? :confused_2:
  7. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It would just be hard for me to keep up with watering them.
  8. I do see a lot of growers do this as well everyone has there own method some feed 3 times a day during flower
    Personally one feed a day does mine an a dont think any changes would get me more per watt
  9. I only water once a day too.. Seems to work pretty good, even with these big pots.

    You've never heard that cannabis likes to have an aerated root zone? I betcha you would up your yield despite the wattage if you did add the perlite.. But like you said, different strokes for different folks. :smoke:
  10. #10 mr sheen, Nov 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2014
    Yeh a get what u say Ii used to gruw nft dwc rdwc but now coco fir ease
    I still add a couple inch of clay pebbles in the bottom fir drainage but that all
    Here's a rooted 20 litre pot
    Pure coco
  11. Ill have to try it down the road. I am still learning. You know one step at a time.
  12. I stated 100% 10 coco but no I'm doing this grow with 50/50. We see what it does for me.
  13. Double your yield by adding perlite? Lol, I am calling bullshit. There is absolutely no reason to add perlite to cococoir, coco is an extremely aerated medium as it is, perlite wont hurt anything but your roots dont need any more oxygen that they cant get from 100% coco. Adding perlite will effect the water retention of the coco though as perlite holds no water, so you will need to water your medium more often with perlite added. I've grown extensively with coco, coco perlite, and coco perlite vermiculite mixes, and now I just do coco because none of it made any difference. 

    If you want to do something that will make a significant difference then add some beneficial bacteria to your veg and early flower feedings. You dont get any of that in your coco and it comes naturally in soil, the bacteria colonizes the roots and has a symbiotic relationship with them so they help eachother thrive. I use GreatWhite, but there are many products out there. 
    Grow looks good, I like the habanero's also! One day Ill have enough room in my garden for some of those. :)
  14. #14 Grizzant420, Dec 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2014
  15. Hot! Those are some nice peppers. I have a cupboard full of habanero jelly my girl made from our garden this summer. Love 'em. 

    Watch out for fungus gnats by the way, especially if you have soil next to your coco. Fungus gnats thrive in coco and will often come in your soil. Get gnatrol if you get them. 
  16. one more tip, make your life easier and check these things out. 


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