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10+ Years Daily, no changes

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dropinbiking, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. Just thought I'd throw this thread up, didn't see it in a quick search. It's just a question to throw out to the rest of you.

    Any of you long term regular users still not have any change in their tolerance? I don't mean short term, but overall through your whole smoking career?

    I've smoked heavily for just over 10 years now, and realized that over all these years, I've taken a couple breaks, gotten into heavy smoking, but overall my tolerance has never gotten crazy. To this day, one good solid hit of some good shit will get me high, sometimes more high than I might want to be. I can still sit and smoke my ass off most days if I've got the weed or am in the mood, but I've just never gotten to the point of 'not getting high' or feeling the need to smoke crazy amounts to be satisfied.

    Is this the norm? I'd be curious to hear. I know a lot of guys that by 5-10 years they are either smoking insane amounts, or stopped altogether because they smoked so much, or it started affecting them differently. I seem to just be steady eddy with no changes in sight.
  2. Hm.
    I mean I'm sure I've had *some* changes in my tolerance, just small and over time I suppose - I've done breaks though, never used really all that heavily past when I was in my 20's...though yes, more often than not it's been daily usage.

    I'd say you're lucky to have a metabolism that breaks things down pretty efficiently?

    I mean I see a difference between the kind of highs I used to get when I was 16-18...I don't think I'm getting back there without some time off...but it's been steady, and not really in decline for the better part of a decade.
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  3. At the peak of my smoking days I had a pretty high tolerance. I'd have to light bowl after bowl to get ripped. My tolerance has definitely fluctuated...
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  4. i used to try to imitate hiphop rappers and chain smoke blunts. so yeah u probably just smoked for the first 3 years like 1 hit quitter types.

    how much do u consume per day?
  5. Same i been 10 years+ Plus heavy now. Still get wrecked off 1 hit 1 dab. I think my tolerance will shoot up once edibles become legal in canada.
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  6. I've been a regular smoker since 1982 and have not experienced any significant spikes in my tolerance. A couple hits of top shelf medicine still gets me where I need to go.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Seems like you guys are old school. new kids these days destroy their tolerance fast some smoke an ounce a day if given a chance... tho a lot is wasted.
  8. I go either way when I start smoking again after a long break. I'll either be taking a hit here, a hit there or I'll be packing bowl after bowl to get to the point where I'm smoking mostly for the taste...
  9. I am not wealthy enough to smoke an oz a day, maybe 1 to 2 grams. Would be less if I could get on a nice pipe or glass regiment. But I don't like bringing paraphernalia with me. It's much easier to destroy a joint or conceal it than it is to hide a stinky, smelly bowl. So I can roll a joint and put it in my pocket in a way that it doesn't show and barely smells. So it's easier to roll a quick one and then head out then it is to figure out how to make the piece hidden. So that is what makes me have to consume more. Might be wasting a good amount from smoking a joint but it's nice.

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