10 Ways to be the 'funny guy' at the office

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Chaohinon, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. 10. Keep telling the same person that they have bad breath even if they don't. Then punch them in the mouth.

    9. Announce in a meeting that you have AIDS. After everyone gives you the sympathy remarks, tell everyone how you're just kidding, and tell them that they are all a bunch of queers.

    8. Before a meeting, fill your mouth with custard; then during the meeting put one finger in the air and make like you're hocking up a big loogie, then spit the custard into a glass and hand it to the person next to you and say "beat that!"

    7. Inform a male coworker that he "wouldn't make a good hooker" then piss in his coffee and tell him he needs a "good assfucking."

    6. Always walk around with a big smile and keep one hand down the front of your pants.

    5. Answer every question asked to you with "Fuck if I know!" then call the person a racial slur that doesn't even match their race.

    4. Brag about the fact that you own a gun, and keep playing with your nuts, getting them really sweaty, then walk around shaking everyone's hand.

    3. Run down the hall with your dick out while urinating all over and yell "IT WON'T STOP! GOD HELP ME! IT WON'T STOP!" then when it stops look down and say "ohhhhh..."

    2. Ask to borrow someone else's pen; bring it to the bathroom; stick it in your ass; return it and tell the person to smell it; when they say that it smells bad, be like "Well it should! I had it in my ass!"

    1. Shit on the floor in your office and when someone comes in and sees it, tell them its the fake plastic kind -- when they try to pick it up and realize that their hand is full of shit, laugh and point.
  2. They should make this into a game show. Whoever can do all of these at thier work WIN'S!!
  3. ^^ there is already a similar show in the UK called Office Monkey or something like that, 2 workers have to perform different tasks in their office and try n out do each other, the winner gets a shitty amount of money, and the contestants risk gettin sacked, its pretty good actually
  4. OMG WTF XD:smoking:
  5. Number 5 reminds me of the movie Waiting. Where the black guy tells the two white wiggers they're 'one dimensional.' And the white kid's reply is, "F-ck you, whitey."

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