I'm not saying we don't have any advantages, because we certainly do. There is less racism, less homophobia, and somewhat increased social liberty among many other great things. It just annoys me when 50 year olds rant about how soft people are becoming and how they would love to be young now because we have it so easy. Every generation has hardships and people need to understand that. Agree? disagree? let me know. 1) Highschool hits you with a wonderful 6 hours of homework a night if you want to stay competitive for college apps. My parents tell me they actually had free time on weekdays when they were young. Mindblowing, right? and they still got into great schools. 2) Recent studies have shown that students learn how to fill in multiple choice tests well, but cannot actually apply the topics to real life situations. Basically, they have no actual understanding of things they learn because the school system isn't teaching in the right way. 3) You are pretty much expected to take multiple college classes (AP's) in highschool. Why is it considered normal to be in an advanced placement class? 4) Social networking introduces a plethora of new insecurities to the already insecure youth. Among us girls, instagram has never been about fun, which is why I don't have one. It's simply a competition to see who can get more likes on a selfie or who has a more fun social life. 5) If you are older without kids, you may not know that high schools now have electronic grading systems. This means that if you miss one single homework assignment, your parents receive an email and they can go look up exactly what it is on a website. 6) College costs so much that if you don't have rich parents to pay for your tuition, you will leave that place indebted to shits. 7) It's way harder to get alcohol underage now than in the 70s for example. Also, the use of breathalyzers at school dances. enough said. 8) The economy is bleak and unpromising. After you feed your soul to capitalism by taking out a student loan, it's hard to get even an entry level job in the field you studied for. I have multiple PhD friends who can't even get a research job so they resort to tutoring to make ends meet. 9) School "guidance" counselors are often responsible for 500 students. Guidance is in quotations because they don't actually have any time to guide you any more due to terrible state funding. 10) Less serious, but still valid: a lot of modern pop music is terrible. Sure, it's fun to dance to, however, I would much prefer going to a concert and seeing someone actually play music. I don't want to pay $90 and see a semi-nude woman dance around while half singing to pre-recorded synth beats. I could get that for much less money at the local strip club.
Man just wait till those kids get into the real world lol i wish staying competitive for college apps was y biggest problem right now
Nothing to disagree to because that's what life has to offer you. Some may have it better and some worse. keep up the good fight.
1. bullshit 3. bullshit 5. not every parent checks 7. why is that bad? 9. bullshit. my counselor actually took the time to sit down and talk to us before graduation. 10. you sound like a music snob
why is that bullshit? I'm Asian, so if I didn't take AP's and study like hell.. I wouldn't have gotten into any place respectable. Colleges say they don't consider race on your application, but if that was true, why do they ask and why do less qualified students of a different race get scholarships?
i agree to an extent, i do think youre looking for things to complain about. at least half of those points were just nonsense honestly. look, its easy to be unhappy, you can find negativity anywhere. its up to you to find the good in life, and it is there. ill leave you with a quote i like said by Winston Churchill. "If you're going through hell, keep going."
I was expecting something relating to the 17 trillion in debt the US is, or something. I'm 24, I really haven't had an issue with any of these. Number four is as easy to avoid as logging out. Number eight has a lot to do with what your major is, not all are of equal worth. A lot of kids are finding out their professors basically scammed them out of their money by convincing them that it's a good idea to pick a major with very few job prospects in the field.
1. We barely got assigned homework in school and when we did it was 1-2 pages at most. 2. The only people that took pre-ap/gt classes were the "nerds" or the preppy kids.
So you just made this thread to bitch then? Because I thought it was about how being young must suck because of the reasons you gave.
You don't have to do great in Highschool to get into college, but if you are going to college in whatever way and can't do well enough in college to get the degree, then find a trade and learn some good money management skills. If you can get the degree in a field that has jobs, paying the debt and living well shouldn't be a problem. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid are available for everyone.
I'm alone on a Saturday night and I wanted to discuss things with random people on the internet that's all.
Sorry. I'm playing a game and I kept dying right at the end of the level so I was getting pissed off.
it's all good, man. I actually made this thread because I was getting too frustrated with Uncharted 2 and had to stop. LMAO good luck with your game.
1 - I never did any of my homework and I've got a better job than the majority of my friends. 4 - You need to chill the fuck out and care less.
I never worried about school. My father was diagnosed with cancer when I was young, passing away shortly after I turned 18. He left a lot for me. All of my friends had to study hard, wasting their childhood trying to lead what society deemed "successful" lives. I never wanted to tell them why I didn't go to college, but eventually word got out. I think they resented me for it because I was a failure in high school... they haven't talked to me since graduation. I still feel guilty for that, so now I work at Menchies. I really love my job, I have fun. That's what I think work should be: somewhere you have fun, not somewhere you constantly stress. I dunno why I shared that, but I think it holds some relevance to the OP.