10 Reasons Not To Vote For Ron Paul...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokeMB, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. I know a lot of people around here support Ron Paul. I am honestly not really sure what to think of the next election, I am right on the fence in terms of my political affiliation. But I would like to spark a debate about Ron Paul and his policies. Please read the information of the provided link and lets discuss Ron Paul!

    10 Reasons Not To Vote For Ron Paul | Addicting Info
  2. Gonna be a lot of love and a couple kids in this thread trying to rile up the RP supporters.
  3. he is not perfect but he definitly is the best choice for everyone on this forum
  4. #4 xBrent, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2011
    There's a shitload of untrue biased statements in there.

    I lol'ed. Their explanation is funny as hell.

    That's why he wants to decriminalize drug laws so that minorities aren't targeted and put in jail right?

    Yea, he's pro life. The baby should have rights too. It's a person.

    Somewhat supports Fair Tax. Very logical response if you ask me.


    Would he really? I heard charter schools and Privately funded schools on average got MUCH higher test scores.

    Really? No. He simply supports the constitution.

    He seems to try and keep these separate as much as possible. He has his religious morals, and they influence his choices yes, but he doesn't try to force his religion on others. About the same sex marriage thing, I just watched an interview where he said he is not against same sex marriage, that is the only thing I know he has changed his stance on.

    The author of that article is a hard left liberal also, just so you know where the info is coming from.

    Vote Ron Paul.

    On a good note, at least their writing articles like this, it shows that they think he is competition. :D
  5. that article was way biased.

    Taking one comment out of context doesnt mean you can extrapolatr his entire future presidential policies.

    he is the best candidate, thats the only reason you need to vote for him.
  6. Quote taken from that site

    "Every one of these has one thing in common – the Federal Government being involved in the affairs of Americans. He is not shy about his willingness to vote no for anything that puts the government’s nose where it should not be.

    Amendment X – (That’s 10)
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    I actually liked most of those things on the list tbh. Don't think he could muck it up much worse than Nixon or Obama. We've had some really shitty presidents but he's the one that seems most like the founding fathers and seems to support the constitution. No doubt the Federal govt. has overstretched its reach for far to long. Someone needs to chain that dog up, it's mad.
  7. honestly? if you look at all the candidates both republican and democrat, Ron Paul is the lesser of all those evils.

    Obama - untrustworthy, caught lying on big issues.
    Bachman - homophobic, fundamentalist crackpot that doesn't have the stones to face her detractors.
    Pawlenty - weak, flippant and unremarkable (no stones.)
    Romney - corrupt, caught lying, panders at the drop of a hat.
    Santorum - caught lying, homophobe, christian fundamentalist of the worst kind.

    those are the ones that stick out... so, comparing all the candidates, even though i don't agree with all things that Ron Paul stands for he is certainly the lesser of all the evils that will be available to vote for.
  8. you can find 10 reasons not to vote for any candidate.. including the curent president.

    so take the 10 RP things, and compare his 10 with the 10 from the other guys, and make your decision on who to support.
  9. If I was an american citizen, he would have my vote for sure.
    All presidents after Frank the tank kinda sucked imo. Especially Nixon & Obama
  10. I'll take a swing at this...

    1. Ron Paul is the most ardent supporter of ending the Federal War on Drugs, which has incarcerated a large percentage of minorities and institutionalized racism within our court systems. Ron Paul sees all rights as individual rights, rather than some groups receiving more rights then others.

    2. As POTUS Ron Paul can do nothing to overturn Roe v. Wade, he cannot interfere with any court decision. Paul simply wants to leave the issue of abortion to the states, as it will be more representative of the people's opinions in each state. People will never come to the same conclusion as to abortion, so he favors letting the nation have 50 options concerning abortion, rather then 1 end all be all federal decision.

    3. He is a benefit to the working class because he opposes bailouts (privatized earnings, socialized losses), wants to end all foreign militarism, use money saved from militarism to fund programs such as SS, Medicare, etc, cut the income tax, and allow competition of currencies. Without an income tax, a free market approach to choice of currency, and no empire building, all Americans will become more prosperous.

    4. Has never voted to increase taxes, period. Couple that with NO income tax = More money in avg American's pocket.

    5. Favors property rights. If someone pollutes on your property, you can sue them for damages. Govt. Regulations (Cap n Trade) legalizes pollution by allowing big business to buy credits to pollute.

    6. Will bring all troops stationed overseas home. You can understand why the MIC would be upset, but I'm sure a lot of Afghanis, Iraqis, Libyans, Pakistanis, Somalians, etc etc would be quite pleased with this.

    7. Ron Paul wants to get the government out of the marriage issue. Simply leave it up to the church, no state interference. You can do what you want and call it whatever you want, so long as you don't attempt to force your views on others.

    8. He supports the second amendment, an armed society is a polite society.

    9. Get the federal government out of the education system, costs have soared, and results have plummeted. Allowing for private and home school education offers more competition in schooling, allowing for reduced costs and higher quality.

    10. "Congress Shall write no law" Leave the subject of evolution and creationist teachings up to local school districts, not the state or feds. This allows maximum representation of the people, rather then a end all be all federal standard.

    Phew, now where did I get the facts wrong? :confused:
  11. Reasons not to vote for Republican or Democrat:

    1. Our Government sucks. Either quit complaining about it or vote for someone else for a change.
  12. Glad to see all of these comments. I am still quite persuadable in terms of my vote for the next election, and I am glad to see people responding back to what the article said. Please add more information if anyone can.
  13. I only read the first two and I can already tell this is a sensationalist article.

    Ron Paul being against affirmative action doesn't make him against equal rights. In fact affirmative action itself goes against equal rights.

    It is essentially a handicap for black Americans.

    Its like, oh look how far this black man got, and it's all thanks to affirmative action.

    That's demeaning.

    Supporting affirmative action is like giving people a step ladder, it only supports the idea that you think they are inferior.

    And "he's against giving women the rights to control their bodies"

    Abortion is murder. It's a fact. If you have a kid you don't want, give it up for adoption. There are plenty of infertile and gay couple out there just begging for a child. Oblige them.

    I will continue reading but I already find it hard to believe this article will bring up anything valid.

  14. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOVfaP4HZV8&feature=channel_video_title]Ron Paul Charms The View - YouTube[/ame]
  15. Still better than Bachman, Perry, and the king of lies (obama)
  16. King? You give him too much credit. Have you already forgotten our other presidents?

    Obama is a stable boy at best
  17. I think you have to throw Bush into that mix.. the Patriot act and starting the whole bailout thing really fucked some shit up.
  18. To be honest with you that was my first time voting...so it was kind of a big deal that the only issue I cared about he made false promises about.

    (Didn't he promise that we would be out of the war by 2011)

    Which one:laughing:
  19. I'm Christian and most of those reasons are probably going to be WHY I vote for him. ;) But I mean really now, what other candidate appeals to liberals and conservatives alike, religious and non-religious alike? ;)

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