10 Minute Work-Out

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Slurms McKenzie, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Well I'm not a active person since the summer started (too damn hot for a run)

    I had a friend that says I should do something he calls a 10 min workout which basically is a series of fast paced workout (push-ups,sit-ups,squats, etc) and says that doing this daily help staying fit (I'm not looking to turn into a body builder just stay fit)

    If anyone has good advice I'm all ears thanks
  2. You can start with 10 minutes a day, but as you get in better shape you should make it longer. However as you make it longer, you should probably stop doing it daily because it will be hard to recover from an intense circuit. There's nothing wrong with a high intensity bodyweight circuit, but there's better ways to get in shape.
    You're not going to turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger overnight from lifting weights lol

    Personally if I were you I'd implement the circuit on certain days, and do some strength work on others (pullups, hip pushups, dips, inverted rows, etc). If you don't want to run then that's your prerogative, but it wouldn't hurt.

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