Is that a philosophical question? 10-54-10 is Very rich in phosphorus which is used for flower and root development. Used in moderation, this should be great once your plant has begun to set blooms.
A high middle number is good for flowering. You wouldn't want to use it for vegetative growth. I personally wouldn't use a fertilizer that has such a high phosphorus percentage but that's just my personal opinion. Maybe more like 15-30-15. You can get a big box of that at Walmart for around $7.
i have that bloom plus and ive never given my big flowering plant full strength yet but i think it definatly helps as long as you dont go nute happy, i watered it once with it since its been in flowering for 2 weeks and since i watered it with the nutes its showed increased bloom rate.
using is it is totally up too you, i say go for it but be careful when you use it and watch for burn start at half dosage or even quarter dosage and work your way up and even then space out the feeding like give it 2 waterings of normal water and then some nute water and so on, this sunday is gonna be my second watering with my 10-54-10 mix.
i also forgot to ask how often do u water and in between do u give any other nutes or just striaght water(i have well water)
before i went to flowering i watered every day and a half too 2 days now its about every 3-4 days and i give it nutes about once a week too every week and a half, i try to get 2 normal waterings in before i do a nute watering.