1 week complete

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dimboijx, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. So I'm just a little curious as to what everyone here thinks about my progress so far. I have had the lil ones in an 18-6 cycle under a 400w MH bulb. My first attempt at a grow was a disaster and I killed them within 3 days. This time wasn't without its problems but they seem to be much happier since I have bought a thermometer and have the temp being controlled during the day/night inside the room. It stays around 80 during the day and drops to about 70 at night (before I vented the hot air and put a space heater in at night the temps would fluctuate from 92 during the day down to 65 at night).


    I'm a little disappointed by where they are after a week because most pictures I've seen here show them further along. Since they had a traumatic beginning to life will they still grow to be the beautiful plants I want them to be? Ive been using this site as my growing bible and spent a few months researching everything I could before I gathered everything I needed. Any advice would be much appreciated :)
  2. my god, that soil looks horrifying...I would find some nice standard peat n perlite mix preferably without any ferts whatsoever and go with that. Walmart (at least out here) actually sells some random bag of potting soil, can't remember the company that makes it, but it's really good stuff for the price and doesn't have any ferts.

    I did find the Italian clay pots to be a nice touch though ;)
  3. The soil is Fox Farms Ocean Forrest. From what I understand its a good growing medium for soil growers. Oh and I thought the clay pots were a nice touch too ;).
  4. Uh...are you sure dude? That don't look like any FFOF I've ever seen...granted I've never used it myself just seen buddies use it...I mean for chrissakes there's sticks in there :laughing:
  5. Haha yeah pretty sure.

  6. I guess maybe it's just the perspective of the photos? Those pots are probably a lot smaller and the photos are a lot closer than I'm thinking. Anyways, you're right about where you oughta be if seeds have only been in the ground for 7 days...keep in mind seedlings typically have a period of a day or two where they don't grow (upwards) at all, lots of new growers think all is lost at that point :p

    you have that 400w mh as your veg and flowering light?
  7. No I have an HPS bulb waiting till the flowering stage. I've been reading conflicting opinions on what is safe to use for seedlings. Is a 400w MH bulb too much to use on them? What are some symptoms I could see as a result of using too much bulb at this point in their life?
  8. if you have enough headroom you can use a 400w with seedlings, it just needs to be higher than some people have the space for to prevent light burn
  9. hmm well in those pics they've basically been under the 400w bulb for a week about 12in above the pot.

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