MY plant showed no signs of stress at all The average temperature is 77f And the rest are doing fine but this Lil girl just fell over. What should I do? Humidity is 45% Sent from my SM-G920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
seedlings and clones require 80-90% humidity to unsure proper growth. That and your seedlings look really stretched out try lowering the light That in itself could of caused the little guy to 'keel' over because the stem wasn't able to support its own weight while trying to reach the light.
Yep, looks like the stretch got it. If you're going to attempt to grow this stuff, lighting is the most important and necessary investment you can make for your plants. You need the absolute best lighting you can provide during the veg cycle to grow a nice large healthy plant...and then when they go into flower, you need the most powerful lighting you can flower them under. CFLs work OK for veg, but when it comes to flowering off a plant, they produce very lackluster results. The plants are spindly and the buds light and arid. Nutes won't change that. For some reason, most of the new growers think that nutes are the answer to growing big healthy plants. Nutes are just food and your plants need it after they've used up the natural soil that got in the beginning. Your plants wont need nutes until they have been repotted into a larger container and left to grow in it until it has used up the nutes in the soil you transplant into. Each time you repot or up pot a plant, you get a fresh supply of nutrients with the fresh soil. Until the plant has used those, it needs no more and adding when not needed will just fry your plants. My biggest suggestion would be to get them out of those peat pots. They're about worthless. Solo cups work best to start out seedlings in. They hold just the right amount of soil and are easy to deal with. Leave them in the cups until the plant is wider and taller than the cup itself. This usually means the plant is slightly root bound and ready for a new container. Go up only a size or two with the container each time. Confining the root space takes less time for the plant to root in and get back to growing foliage and drinking water again. But there is a period of time with each repot where you have to give it time to root in and start growing again. By increasing the container size a little each time, you get your plant to maturity faster without having to use a bunch of chemicals and allowing the soil to do the work for you as far as feeding goes. But you desperately need better lighting over those plants. You don't have near enough to veg what I see there. Light, light, light.....can't get too much of it. Good luck! Lots of into on growing in the new grower threads. I think you would benefit yourself by doing some reading there. TWW
Thanks a lot you guys. Another grower told me the 8 bulbs on my t5 was too much for my plants at the moment so I lowered my lights and turned off 4 bulbs. My LED'S come in tomorrow but everyone has told me the Amare SE450UVB will be too much for my seedlings at 2 weeks old... Sent from my SM-G920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app