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1 of my N. Tx Pick~Ups - 17 and 1/2 grams!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by TexRx, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 TexRx, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    ~ What I recently picked up. It's called HeadBand
    It's supposed to have 20% THC!! I got 17 and 1/2 grams (1/2 oz + an 1/8th) for $280
    This is right up there with the best I've vaped!!!
    I also vaped out my 'guy' while I was there..... Here's a couple pics of my simple vaporizer kit!!
    Notice how my full bag of cannabis is in both shots!!



    my kit


    and here's a song! Bob Marley
  2. Fresh buds..looks mad frosty
  3. ^^^Thanks this is some of the best I've ever vaped!!

  4. Thats really expensive. Thats like buying a half O for 220... I would never pay 440 for an ounce. I usually get medical for 320-350 an O for AK-47, banana kush, or og kush.
  5. #5 TexRx, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    This is North Texas

    These prices for Medical grade are normal
    $60 1/8th
    $120 1/4
    $240 1/2

    I paid $280 for 1/2 oz and an additional 1/8 th for $280 - $20 off

    I paid the standard amount for my area and vaped two bowls for free
  6. Expensive, but looks flame

    good pick up :smoke:
  7. This is definately Fire!!!

  8. niiiiice
    get high dood
  9. lol usally u get a discount when u buy bulk. as in if its 60 an 8th, 100 for the 1/4 180 for the half, and then 320-340 if u get a zip

    either way, ur getting RIPPED off and some1 is making alot of moeny on you. fuck texas lol, another reason the state sucks balls.
  10. great buds though, i got some headband hash right now, headband has a good high
  11. ---I'm willing to pay some extra $$$ for consistent quailty
    I'm always vaping high quality stuff, no exceptions

  12. [​IMG]
    roll jays, burn blunts, torch pipes, vap dank

    strain: DREHAZE
  13. Nice pickup, but here on LI, we have some of the highest weed prices and an ounce of headies can be had for $320.
  14. I live in north texas too and those are some SHIT prices. I can get halfs for 180 of better shit than that. Find yourself a new connect
  15. damn dude u r my hero@@@@

    wheres your pics broski?? like i mean i smoke mids for a better price then yo heads u shit connect havin fool wut?


    a+ heads bro pack a fat bong rip of that and ur set.
  16. nice looking bud but those are wayyy expensive. im in houston and im getting halfs for 160 and quarters for 90 of top grade.
  17. I'm in Dallas
    Prices for Medical/Chronic/HomeGrown are higher that other parts of Texas
    It's always been this way

    I've got a reliable 'guy' with constant high-quality
    I've got not problem paying what I pay

  18. I pay quite a bit less than those prices in North Texas, but I know people, and exactly where my product comes from and everything about it which is also nice.
  19. nice nugs! forget all these guys talking price when you smoke some of that fire:smoke:

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