1 Month Left To Live

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ItsReneeYo_, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Your son is so handsome. Kudos to you boo :)
  2. Spend time with family and see the people who i want to see before i die. And take my brothers on a crazy adventure so we can have our lasts memories together :)
    And smoke so fucken much and do so much unmentionables i would die the day before im suppose to. :) Go out with a bang baby. 
  3. I'd have an open crib and smoke with all my closest friends and anyone who wanted to chill. Play them my favorite songs. Listen to their advice. Give them some of my advice. Write out a letter to my baby brother. Telling him every story and experience I've ever had while telling him the mistakes I made so he wouldn't go down the wrong path. I'd tell my mom how much I love her and sorry for breaking her heart with all the stupid shit I've done and reconnect with my dad and call everyone in my family and spend at least 15 minutes on the phone with them. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. [​IMG]
    Smoke all this hash, do every drug I could get my hands on, travel to all the places I could manage, get laid as much as possible, get super drunk every day, take up cigarettes again etc etc
  5. i would sell all of my stuff except a few clothes, my backpack, and my glass then i would buy a bunch of weed. then i would hop trains all over the country until my last breathe.
  6. Spend my remaining days with my lady, her family and my family.

    I try to live everyday like its my last. Its a scary thought, but it makes me more appreciative.
  7. life is fucked up when it comes to this
    I wish you the best if this is real...
  8. I'd start walking, and never stop.
  9. Hmm. Not sure on how exactly it would play out. Id steal a lot of money and a fast car. If i could get away id be in more than one high speed chase, all while drowning my sorrows in drugs and hookers. Expensive hookers.
  10. I tried that once... made it 15 miles and my feet felt like they were gonna fall off
  11. [quote name="HBGBUB" post="19405032" timestamp="1390677192"]I tried that once... made it 15 miles and my feet felt like they were gonna fall off[/quote]I'm training for it.
  12. No boo just a curiosity question , I'm fine.
  13. Buy a bunch of coca cola and have a blast with my friends and family.... Have a bunch of sex and just go crazy.

    I would have to be in that situation to know though, it's hard to emulate a situation like this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  14. #54 alpo, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
    Well as perverted as i am ..
  15. It is a real hypothetical situation...
  16. Take a trip round Latin America, take a fair bit of powder and smoke and just be chilling on a hot beach for the rest of my life.
  17. I'd do so many drugs. So so so many.

    I'd do all the drugs in one while skydiving.

  18. 1 month to live? Pussy. Weed. Money. Party.dOtDaG42
  19. #59 League, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2014
    Let's just say people that I hate will lose kneecaps and limbs..
  20. The last month of your life you would spend thinking about those you hate the most?

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