1 MFLB hit is enough for me

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by catsneezer69, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. honestly when the battery is freshly charged and the trench is new, 1 slow, long hit knocks me on my ass.. anyone else experience this?
  2. how much weed would you otherwise have to smoke ?

    Remember the tape high is different and it's a cleaner less tired feeling because of no carbon monoxide and other carcinogens being released. I'm getting a MFLB soon !
  3. my box barely gets me baked now. it was cool when i first got it but i havent used it in so long
  4. I love my mflb, and yeah if I havent smoked yet one hit will get me there.
    I would compare it to 3 drags from a .5 joint.
  5. One hit of good herb gets me a noticeable buzz.
  6. lol i love using my vape, i cant go back to a bowl or joint. i have a tendency to take 2 or 3 more hits than i actually need because my MFLB creeps on me, im feeling fine one minute then next minute im walking into shit and my mind is wandering lol
  7. Lol what are you 12? 1 MFLB trench doesn't even get me high.

    It's a shitty vape and only good if you've never tried another one, this one doesn't even have any vapor clouds and it doesn't even get stoned like you would smoking, hell it's barely vaping. Enjoy your $15 vape you spent probably $110+ on.
  8. [quote name='"Gryphonics"']Lol what are you 12? 1 MFLB trench doesn't even get me high.

    It's a shitty vape and only good if you've never tried another one, this one doesn't even have any vapor clouds and it doesn't even get stoned like you would smoking, hell it's barely vaping. Enjoy your $15 vape you spent probably $110+ on.[/quote]

    Lol you obviously aren't too capable.
  9. My box doesn't even really get me high anymore, I have to use my Da Vinci nowadays if I'm vaping.
  10. #10 iweartshirts, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    lol you are either not hitting your MFLB correctly or you dont have the buds ground up finely enough or both... whatever the case i feel sorry for you bro youre missing out. my MFLB produces tons of vapor :smoke:

    edit: i even got my dad hip to it and he is an oldschool hippy stoner. he use to kill entire nugs by himself in his homemade bong and could ghost it all. he likes the MFLB too
  11. #11 Gryphonics, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    So tell me what your oldschool hippy stoner Dad does for a living? Pump Gas? Live off the government?
  12. damn man you need to chill the fuck out, your trying to shit on this guys dad and you don't even know them. He was trying to say that your not using it right, which obviously..your not, and for some reason I'm in the same boat. But damn don't get all butthurt and try to bring family into something when he was just trying to help.
  13. Lol he's Canadian.
  14. I literally laughed for 5 minutes at Gryp's posts. Thanks bro.

    As for the topic....
    I'd be so stoked if I could medicate to the needed level in one hit. I can't imagine how the OP would react to a dab :)

  15. someone sounds butthurt pack a bowl, well if youd really like to know bro.

    "Stay awhile and listen." -Deckard Cain

    Well my dad had to work for everything in his life, he wasnt given a golden ticket for anything. his dad died when he was 9, he started working at 12 to support his mom and his 2 siblings. he was the first in his family to go to college, he spent 5 years in the army core of engineers. he has a bachelors in chemistry, currently he works for a defense company (cant give too much detail now) and makes 200k a year doing the job of 3 people... he needs a raise.

    so yeah thats my dad, i love him and id do anything for him. :smoke:
  16. That's my goal.
  17. Don't worry I'm sure he's chill. I'd love to blaze him up. You're fortunate to have smoked with a family member.
  18. Op avoid the eq.... lightweight
  19. Your tolerance must be super low. First few weeks 1 trench would do it, after 3 months I needed at least 2 trenches which is like 25-30 hits.

    2 trenches to vape can take a half hour, screw that. I ended up selling it and getting a Solo. 1 hit with the Solo is equivalent to like 7-8 hits with the MFLB, and then continue hitting it for about 10 minutes and you're super stoned off the same amount in the MFLB.
  20. Damn you didn't have to go ahead and tell us his salary haha

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